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552 Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming Entries

Programming — Java — April 17th, 2024

Converting Plain Text To Encoded HTML With Vanilla JavaScript
What do you do when you need to convert plain text into formatted HTML? Perhaps you reach for Markdown or manually write in the element tags yourself. Or maybe you have one or two of the dozens of online tools that will do it for you. In this tutorial, Alexis Kypridemos picks those tools apart and details the steps for how we can do it ourselves with a little vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
April 17th, 2024Source

ECMAScript 2024 features you can use now
ECMAScript 2024 is expected to be finalized in June, but four new JavaScript features are already supported in browsers and Node.js. Here's how to start using them today.
April 17th, 2024Source

Java G1 fix would speed JIT compilation
G1 garbage collector improvement would also reduce the overhead of the JDK’s C2 optimizing compiler, benefiting cloud-based Java deployments.
April 17th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — April 10th, 2024

Modernizing Testing Practices for Jakarta EE Projects
In the dynamic world of software development, the significance of open-source projects cannot be overstated. These collaborative endeavors drive innovation and establish benchmarks for quality and endurance in the technology landscape. Long-term projects, such as Java, which has been released as open source for over twenty years, and the Jakarta EE specifications and their implementations, exemplify the impact of open-source initiatives.
April 10th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 29th, 2024

JDK 23: The new features in Java 23
The next version of standard Java, due in September, will include previews of a class-file API and primitive types in patterns, instanceof, and switch.
March 29th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 28th, 2024

JDK 22: An average Java release, sort of
Java Development Kit 22 contains an average number of new features, but is better than average in other ways. Let's take a look.
March 28th, 2024Source

JetBrains IntelliJ IDE to add K2 compiler mode
K2 compiler provides significantly faster and more stable Kotlin code highlighting and Kotlin code completion, JetBrains said.
March 28th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 27th, 2024

How to handle errors in React
Get an overview of error handling in React applications and how to use React error boundaries to handle render-time errors.
March 27th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 25th, 2024

Chris' Corner: Real World CSS
I enjoyed Lee Robinson's take on How I'm Writing CSS in 2024. Rather than jump right into tools and syntax, it starts with the user:
March 25th, 2024Source

Java News Roundup: JDK 22, GraalVM for JDK 22, Proposed Schedule for JDK 23, JMC 9.0
This week's Java roundup for March 18th, 2024, features news highlighting: the GA release of JDK 22, GraalVM for JDK 22, the proposed release schedule for JDK 23, JDK Mission Control 9.0, BellSoft Liberica JDK and Azul Zulu for JDK 22.
March 25th, 2024Source

Setting And Persisting Color Scheme Preferences With CSS And A "Touch" Of JavaScript
There are many ways to approach a "Dark Mode" feature that respects a user's system color scheme preferences and allows for per-site customization. With recent developments in CSS, core functionality that has always required JavaScript can now be done without it. Henry Bley-Vroman walks through a new possibility that leans into cutting-edge CSS, with minimal JavaScript to support persisting the user's color scheme preference across pages.
March 25th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 22nd, 2024

Java 22 brings security enhancements
JDK 22 adds 10 new root CA certificates, a new asymmetric key interface, and a -XshowSettings option for displaying security settings.
March 22nd, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 20th, 2024

Getting cozy with Java's new, softer side
New features like var, auto-compile, text blocks, record classes, and more are shifting Java in subtle but powerful ways—toward a more flexible, dynamic future.
March 20th, 2024Source

Relationship between tradition and technology in Javanese music
A study published in the International Journal of Arts and Technology has looked at the relationship between traditional Javanese music and the introduction of technology and western instrumentation into this genre.
March 20th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 18th, 2024

Chris' Corner: Cool Ideas
Lossy compression can be good. For something like a JPG, that naturally uses compression that can be adjusted, that compression leads to lost image data. In a good way. The image may end up being much smaller, which is good for performance. Sometimes the lost image data just isn't a big deal, you barely notice it.
March 18th, 2024Source

Initializing Services in Node.js Application
An in-depth guide on managing service initialization in Node.js applications, illustrated with a refined JWT Service example.
March 18th, 2024Source

Java News Roundup: New JEP Drafts, Infinispan 15, Payara Platform, Alpaquita Containers with CRaC
This week's Java roundup for March 11th, 2024, features news highlighting: new JEP drafts, Stream Gatherers (Second Preview) and Hot Code Heap; Infinispan 15; the March 2024 edition of Payara Platform; Alpaquita Containers with CRaC; the first release candidate of JobRunr 7.0; and milestone and point releases for Spring projects, Quarkus, Helidon and Micronaut.
March 18th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 14th, 2024

Optimizing Robotics Application's Performance
In this post, we would like to share our real-world experience in optimizing a Java application that was controlling the robots in a warehouse.
March 14th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 11th, 2024

COBOL to JOBOL? A Poor Choice for Modernization
This article digs into the common challenges of COBOL to Java conversion and some strategies to be employed to avoid the JOBOL pitfall.
March 11th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 6th, 2024

Java developers wanted, report says
2024 Java Developer Productivity Report finds most companies plan to add Java developers this year, though most tool budgets not rising.
March 6th, 2024Source

OpenVINO 2024.0 Brings More GenAI Features, New JavaScript API
Intel today released their open-source OpenVINO 2024.0 toolkit for optimizing and deploying AI inference across a range of hardware.
March 6th, 2024Source

Understanding Java's new ScopedValue
ScopedValue is an alternative to ThreadLocal, and works in tandem with VirtualThreads and the new StructuredTaskScope. Find out what scoped values can do for your multithreaded programs in Java.
March 6th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 4th, 2024

JavaScript: Empowered by Rust
Chris Biscardi explores what Rust is being used for on the front-end and introduces the language from the perspective of a JavaScript developer.
March 4th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — March 1st, 2024

What is JavaScript? The full-stack programming language
JavaScript is the most in-demand programming language for developer jobs and one of the most versatile languages for full-stack development. Here's what you need to know about JavaScript.
March 1st, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 28th, 2024

Exploring 3D Effects with 2D Optical Illusions
A brief tutorial that guides you through creating a 3D visual effect using a 2D optical illusion with CSS and JavaScript.
February 28th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 27th, 2024

Deno shrinks deno compile binaries
Deno 1.41 promises to reduce the size of 'deno compile' binaries by half and introduces an official build for Linux ARM64.
February 27th, 2024Source

White House: Use memory-safe programming languages to protect the nation
The White House is asking the technical community to switch to using memory-safe programming languages -- such as Rust, Python, Swift, C#, Java, and Go -- to prevent memory corruption vulnerabilities from entering the digital ecosystem.
February 27th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 26th, 2024

Foreign Function and Memory API: Modernizing Native Interfacing in Java 17
Introduced in Java 14 as an incubating feature and finalized in Java 17, explore this safer, more efficient alternative to JNI for interacting with native code.
February 26th, 2024Source

Java News Roundup: JDK 22 RC2, Multiple Releases in the Spring Ecosystem, Payara Platform
This week's Java roundup for February 19th, 2024, features news highlighting: JDK 22 in release candidate 2, the February 2024 edition of the Payara Platform, numerous milestone and point releases in the Spring ecosystem, multiple releases of Apache Tomcat and Log4j and Gradle 8.7-RC1.
February 26th, 2024Source

JDK 22: The new features in Java 22
Now available in a final release candidate, Java 22 includes previews of scoped values, structured concurrency, stream gatherers, and the ability to execute multi-file programs.
February 26th, 2024Source

How Netflix Really Uses Java
Software is changing the world. QCon empowers software development by facilitating the spread of knowledge and innovation in the developer community. A practitioner-driven conference, QCon is designed for technical team leads, architects, engineering directors, and project managers who influence innovation in their teams.
February 26th, 2024Source

Problems With Nested CompletableFuture in Java
This blog describes problems that can occur using CompletableFuture of Java in a nested fashion and solutions for how to fix these problems.
February 26th, 2024Source

TypeScript soothes type narrowing pain point
TypeScript 5.4, now available in a release candidate, preserves type refinements in function closures following last assignments.
February 26th, 2024Source

Unlocking the Power of Oracle NoSQL With Quarkus: Seamless Integration for Cloud-Age Applications
Learn how to integrate Oracle NoSQL with Quarkus using JNoSQL for seamless cloud-native application development. Check out the source code for hands-on exploration.
February 26th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 23rd, 2024

Oracle Unveils GraalOS for Faster Cloud-Native Java Apps
Oracle's new GraalOS Speeds Up Cloud Native Java Apps
February 23rd, 2024Source

Top NodeJS Frameworks for 2024
NodeJS comes with a wide range of frameworks with features, templates, and libraries that help developers build applications faster with fewer resources.
February 23rd, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 21st, 2024

Functional programming with JavaScript arrays
Learn how JavaScript's built-in functions like map() and filter(), as well as compose() and chain(), support a more elegant handling of JavaScript arrays.
February 21st, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 19th, 2024

Building and Integrating REST APIs With AWS RDS Databases: A Node.js Example
This guide walks through the process of creating a RESTful API that talks to an Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) instance, complete with examples.
February 19th, 2024Source

Spring Boot 3.2: Replace Your RestTemplate With RestClient
This Spring Boot 3.2 tutorial explores an addition built upon WebClient called RestClient, a more intuitive and modern approach to consuming RESTful services.
February 19th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 14th, 2024

Exploring the Power of the Functional Programming Paradigm
This article discusses functional programming, which uses stateless functions over immutable data for simplified concurrency and reliability.
February 14th, 2024Source

JS Toolbox 2024: Frameworks and Static Site Generators
JavaScript development comes with an overwhelming array of tools -- so in this series, we analyse the JS tools to watch in 2024. Part two covers the most important frameworks and static site generators in the 2024 JS ecosystem, including React, Vue, Astro, and Hugo.
February 14th, 2024Source

Scaling Java Microservices to Extreme Performance Using NCache
This article will teach you how to scale the Java Microservices to achieve extreme performance using different cache techniques with NCache.
February 14th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 12th, 2024

Achieving Inheritance in NoSQL Databases With Java Using Eclipse JNoSQL
Explore Eclipse JNoSQL and MongoDB to streamline NoSQL database interactions in Java applications, making it easier to manage and manipulate diverse data sets.
February 12th, 2024Source

Leveraging Java's Fork/Join Framework for Efficient Parallel Programming: Part 1
Delve into the intricacies of the Fork/Join framework, specifically designed to make parallelizing tasks more efficient and straightforward.
February 12th, 2024Source

Optimizing Java for Modern Hardware: the Continuous Evolution of the Vector API
JEP 460, Vector API (Seventh Incubator), has been Closed / Delivered for JDK 22. This JEP, under the auspices of Project Panama, incorporates enhancements in response to feedback from the previous six rounds of incubation: JEP 448, Vector API (Sixth Incubator), delivered in JDK 21; JEP 438, Vector API (Fifth Incubator), delivered in JDK 20; JEP 426, Vector API (Fourth Incubator), delivered in JDK 19; JEP 417, Vector API (Third Incubator), delivered in JDK 18; JEP 414, Vector API (Second Incubator), delivered in JDK 17; and JEP 338, Vector API (Incubator), delivered as an incubator module in JDK 16. The most significant change from JEP 448 includes an enhancement to the JVM Compiler Interface (JVMCI) to support Vector API values.
February 12th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 9th, 2024

Five Java Developer Must-Haves for Ultra-Fast Startup Solutions
Faster Java startup must not compromise developer experience, throughput performance, or security. We discuss how we achieved this with Liberty InstantOn.
February 9th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 7th, 2024

Spring Boot 3.2 and Spring Framework 6.1 Add Java 21, Virtual Threads, and CRaC
Spring Framework 6.1 and Spring Boot 3.2 support Java 21, Java's latest LTS version, while Java 17 remains the baseline.
February 7th, 2024Source

Unleashing the Power of Java Interfaces
This article sheds light on the possible ways to utilize the power of Java Interfaces and get clean, expressive, concise, yet readable code.
February 7th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 5th, 2024

Java News Roundup: LibericaJDK with RISC-V, Payara Platform, Gradle 8.6, LangChain4j, Spring Cloud
This week's Java roundup for January 29th, 2024, features news highlighting: LibericaJDK 21 with support for RISC-V, January release of Payara Platform, Gradle 8.6, LangChain4j 0.26, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.10, and multiple releases of Open Liberty and Eclipse Vert.x.
February 5th, 2024Source

Mastering Concurrency: An In-Depth Guide to Java's ExecutorService
Java's ExecutorService is a powerful framework for managing and executing concurrent tasks in Java applications. It provides a higher-level abstraction over raw threads.
February 5th, 2024Source

Simplifying Java Development: Introducing Multi-File Program Launching
JEP 458, Launch Multi-File Source-Code Programs, has been Closed/Delivered for JDK 22. This JEP proposes to enhance the Java Launcher to execute an application supplied as one or more files of Java source code. This allows a more gradual transition from small applications to larger ones by postponing a full-blown project setup.
February 5th, 2024Source

Programming — Java — February 2nd, 2024

Java Enhances Pattern Matching with Primitive Type Support in JEP 455
JEP 455, Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Preview), has been promoted from Proposed to Target to Targeted for JDK 23. This JEP, under the auspices of Project Amber, proposes to enhance pattern matching by allowing primitive type patterns in all pattern contexts, and extend instanceof and switch to work with all primitive types.
February 2nd, 2024Source

Wasm-based CheerpJ runs Java in web browsers
WebAssembly JVM promises to run 'very large' unmodified Java applications in modern browsers without plugins or a Java installation.
February 2nd, 2024Source

What's New in Java Tooling for VS Code and Azure
Microsoft this week detailed new features for its Java tooling, both in its Visual Studio Code extension and the Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ.
February 2nd, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 31st, 2024

Machine learning for Java developers: Machine learning data pipelines
Learn how to build and deploy a machine-learning data model in a Java-based production environment using Weka, Docker, and REST.
January 31, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 29th, 2024

Java News Roundup: WildFly 31, Eclipse Store 1.1, Liberica NIK, Quarkus, JHipster Lite
This week's Java roundup for January 22nd, 2024 features news highlighting: WildFly 31.0.0, Eclipse Store 1.1.0, BellSoft Liberica Native Image Kit, multiple Quarkus and JHipster Lite releases and Jakarta EE 11 updates.
January 29, 2024Source

Java Z Garbage Collector (ZGC): Revolutionizing Memory Management
Memory management is a critical aspect of any programming language, and Java employs Garbage Collection (GC) to manage memory automatically.
January 29, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 26th, 2024

AnyLang: A Lightweight, Multi-Script Solution
This article illustrates how a low--cost, lightweight solution helps here with the flexibility to create rules in a programming language of one's choice.
January 26, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 24th, 2024

Building gdocweb With Java 21, Spring Boot 3.x, and Beyond
Explore the journey of building gdocweb: a developer's insight into choosing Java 21, Spring Boot 3.x, and navigating tech stack challenges.
January 24, 2024Source

Getting Started With Spring AI and PostgreSQL PGVector
Learn to build generative AI applications in Java from scratch using Spring AI and PostgreSQL pgvector.
January 24, 2024Source

Machine learning for Java developers: Algorithms for machine learning
Set up a supervised learning project, then develop and train your first prediction function using gradient descent in Java.
January 24, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 22nd, 2024

.NET and Java Grow Organically
When Forrester Research Inc. surveyed platform software decision makers in large North American and European enterprises recently, the IT industry analyst firm found that 59 percent of those surveyed use .NET and 48 percent use Java or Java EE. While those numbers add up to 107 percent, it underscores the fact that a good number of shops develop in both platforms.
January 22, 2024Source

Building Decentralized Applications With Node.js and Web 3.0
In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, Web 3.0 represents a paradigm shift towards a more decentralized, user-empowering internet.
January 22, 2024Source

Java News Roundup: JDK 22 in Rampdown Phase Two, JEPs for JDK 23, Jakarta EE 11, GraalVM
This week's Java roundup for January 15th, 2024, features news highlighting: JEP 455 Proposed to Target for JDK 23, JDK 22 in Rampdown Phase Two, an updated Jakarta EE 11 release plan, GraalVM, and Oracle's Critical Patch Update for January 2024.
January 22, 2024Source

What Is a Jagged Array in Java With Examples?
The Arrays and Multi-dimensional Arrays are before we can learn about Jagged arrays. we want to store information about students and their respective grades.
January 22, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 19th, 2024

5 React Architecture Best Practices for 2024
There can be no doubt that React has revolutionized the way we build user interfaces. It's easy to learn and greatly facilitates creating reusable components that offer your site a consistent look and feel.
January 19, 2024Source

Comparing the Efficiency of a Spring Boot Project to a Go Project
In this article, compare the efficiency of a Spring Boot project as a GraalVM-native image and on the JDK to a Go project.
January 19, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 15th, 2024

11 reasons the new Java is not like the old Java
Java is not the language it used to be, and that is mostly a good thing. Here are eleven ways Java is evolving to meet the challenges of the future.
January 15, 2024Source

JetBrains JavaScript Day 2023: AI integration, ECMAScript Development, React Best Practices & More
JetBrains JavaScript Day 2023 recently concluded, offering developers insights into Angular, AI integration, TypeScript, ECMAScript development, React best practices, JavaScript tooling improvements, and innovative view transitions. The series of talks featured in-depth discussions, providing knowledge for developers navigating the ever-evolving landscape of web development.
January 15, 2024Source

Spring Boot versus Quarkus Java frameworks compared for microservices and cloud-native apps
When it comes to building microservices and applications that thrive in the cloud, developers are faced with a critical choice: which Java framework to use? Two standout options are Spring Boot vs Quarkus. Both have their own strengths and loyal followings, but they serve different purposes and come with unique features.
January 15, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 13th, 2024

Efficiently Transforming JDBC Query Results to JSON
In this article, learn how to avoid common pitfalls when returning large amounts of data from a REST service.
January 13, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 12th, 2024

The Challenges and Pitfalls of Using Executors in Java
Executors come with their own set of challenges and pitfalls that developers must be aware of to avoid potential issues.
January 12, 2024Source

Implementing Persistence With Clean Architecture
This Java tutorial shows and compares different possible persistence layer implementations according to the theoretical rules set by Clean Architecture.
January 12, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 11th, 2024

Improving Efficiency: LinkedIn's Transition From JSON to Protocol Buffers
LinkedIn reportedly improved its latency by 60% by migrating to Protocol Buffers. Let's understand what protocol buffers are and how they help LinkedIn.
January 11, 2024Source

Jakarta EE Security: Using Identity Stores
Jakarta EE Security (formerly JSR 375) introduces the notion of identity stores. Here, learn how they are implemented by Jakarta EE platforms like Payara.
January 11, 2024Source

Using Schema Types To Create SQL Queries in Java
In this article, discover more about how schema types can simplify and streamline JDBC query construction in Java with examples.
January 11, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 10th, 2024

Adding Versatility to Java Logging Aspect
Logging on a method or methods of a class becomes dynamically woven. This article deep dives and illustrates how a logging aspect may be boosted to make the most of it.
January 10, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 9th, 2024

How To Build a Customer Service Chatbot Using ChatGPT From Scratch
Learn how you can create a chatbot to cater your customer on any channel with help of AI ChatGPT without any coding skills.
January 9, 2024Source

JEP 447: Refining Java Constructors for Enhanced Flexibility
After its review concluded, JEP 447, Statements before super(...) (Preview), was delivered for JDK 22. Under Project Amber, this JEP proposes to allow statements that do not reference an instance being created to appear before super() calls in a constructor and preserve existing safety and initialization guarantees for constructors
January 9, 2024Source

Virtual Threads for Lightweight Concurrency and Other JVM Enhancements
Ron Pressler presents how and why Java abstracted its existing thread construct to provide an alternative user-mode implementation of threads as opposed to offering a new concurrency construct. Ron also briefly mentions other transformative features recently added to the JVM in the areas of garbage collection and observability/profiling.
January 9, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 8th, 2024

How To Troubleshoot 'Discord JavaScript Error' On Windows
While it started as an app primarily used for gamers to communicate via VoIP, Discord has since grown to be used worldwide by many organizations and social groups to connect and share information. Just like we all feel about the other essential apps we use daily, those relying on Discord usually would prefer not to be bothered with confusing error messages or forced to debug the software
January 8, 2024Source

JDK 22: Gatherer
This article will demonstrate, including examples, the implementation of how to use the new Gatheres, which are in preview for JDK 22.
January 8, 2024Source

Mastering Thread-Local Variables in Java: Explanation and Issues
Explore Thread-Local variables in Java and their benefits, and provide practical examples to illustrate their usage and issues.
January 8, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 6th, 2024

Unleash Peak Performance in Java Applications: Overview of Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO)
Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) is a powerful technique that can significantly boost the performance of your Java applications.
January 6, 2024Source

Programming — Java — January 5th, 2024

20+ Tools for Node.js Development in 2024
Are you ready to supercharge your Node.js development experience? With the right set of tools, you can elevate your projects to new heights, streamline your workflow, and create powerful, high-performance applications. This comprehensive guide will introduce you to the top tools for Node.js development, provide tips on enhancing your workflow with the best tools for Node.js development, and offer resources to help you stay up to date with the latest best practices in the ever-evolving world of Node.js development.
January 5, 2024Source

Programming — Java — December 29th, 2023

Stable Diffusion in Java (SD4J) Enables Generating Images with Deep Learning
Oracle Open Source has introduced the Stable Diffusion in Java (SD4J) project, a modified port of the Stable Diffusion C# implementation with support for negative text inputs. Stable diffusion is a deep learning text-to-image model based on diffusion. SD4J can be used, via the GUI or programmatically in Java applications, to generate images. SD4J runs on top of the ONNX Runtime, a cross platform inference and training machine learning accelerator, allowing faster customer experience and reduced model training time.
December 29, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 28th, 2023

Making Sense Of "Senseless" JavaScript Features
JavaScript may be the most popular client-side language in the world, but it's far from perfect and not without its quirks. Juan Diego Rodriguez examines several "absurd" JavaScript eccentricities and explains how they made it into the language as well as how to avoid them in your own code.
December 28, 2023Source

Migrating From Lombok to Records in Java
Below article covers the process of migration from Lombok to Records.
December 28, 2023Source

Optimizing Java Applications: Parallel Processing and Result Aggregation Techniques
This article highlights the focus on optimizing Java applications through the use of parallel processing and result aggregation techniques.
December 28, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 27th, 2023

Java persistence with JPA and Hibernate: Persisting data to a database
Write, build, and run an example application that persists data to and from a relational database using Hibernate, JPA, and the repository pattern.
December 27, 2023Source

Major security flaws in Java applications, European researchers warn
Alexandre Bartel, Professor of Software Engineering and Security at Umeå University, in collaboration with several European researchers, has extensively analyzed weaknesses in software written in one of the world's most widely used programming languages.
December 27, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 22nd, 2023

Secure Password Hashing in Java: Best Practices and Code Examples
This article covers secure password hashing in Java using modern algorithms like BCrypt, Argon2, and PBKDF2 with salting and computational intensity for better security.
December 22, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 21st, 2023

From J2EE to Jakarta EE
Discover why Jakarta EE, with the industry-wide adoption of microservices-based architectures, has become one of the most popular Java server-side frameworks.
December 21, 2023Source

Why JavaScript developers are switching to Rust in 2024 and why not
It is becoming apparent that developers who typically work with JavaScript are now turning their attention to Rust, a programming language that stands out for its efficiency and safety. Rust is unique because it doesn't have a runtime environment and requires that code be compiled before it can be executed.
December 21, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 19th, 2023

Oracle Java Platform Extension for VSCode Delivers Comprehensive Support for Java Applications
Oracle has introduced the Oracle Java Platform Extension for Visual Studio Code for building, running and debugging Java applications using JDK 11 or newer for developers who use Visual Studio Code.
December 19, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 18th, 2023

Java Application Latency Reduction
In this article, I will cover the challenges related to memory analysis of large production applications and how to overcome them.
December 18, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 15th, 2023

Simplifying Database Operations With HarperDB SDK for Java
In this hands-on session, explore how HarperDB SDK for Java streamlines NoSQL integration, abstracts HTTP complexities, and enables efficient CRUD operations.
December 15, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 11th, 2023

Apache Pinot 1.0 Provides a Realtime Distributed OLAP Datastore
Apache Pinot is an open source column-oriented distributed data store written in Java. Pinot is designed to use Online Analytical processing (OLAP) in order to answer multi-dimensional analytical (MDA) queries with low latency.
December 11, 2023Source

Functional Approach To String Manipulation in Java
This article delves into a few methods within the String class that enable processing to be conducted in a functional programming manner.
December 11, 2023Source

Java News Roundup: JDK 22 in Rampdown, JDK 23 Expert Group, Spring Cloud 2023.0, TornadoVM 1.0
This week's Java roundup for December 4th, 2023, features news highlighting: JDK 22 having moved to Rampdown Phase One; formation of the JDK 23 expert group; JEP 464, Scope Values (Second Preview) targeted for JDK 22; Spring Cloud 2023.0.0; TornadoVM 1.0.0; and JHipster Lite 1.0.0.
December 11, 2023Source

Revolutionizing Network Operations With Automated Solutions: A Deep Dive Into ReactJS
In this blog post, we will explore the role of ReactJS in revolutionizing network operations, delve into its key features, and showcase real-world examples.
December 11, 2023Source

Two years on, 1 in 4 apps still vulnerable to Log4Shell
Lack of awareness still blamed for patching apathy despite it being among most infamous bugs of all time
December 11, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 8th, 2023

Create a Headless CMS Using OceanBase and TypeScript: A Step-By-Step Tutorial
In this article, I will demonstrate how to build a headless CMS using Typescript and OceanBase as the database in a step-by-step tutorial.
December 08, 2023Source

JDK 22: The new features in Java 22
Due in March, the next version of standard Java will have 12 features including previews of scoped values, structured concurrency, stream gatherers, and the ability to execute multi-file programs.
December 08, 2023Source

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Java Applications in Docker Containers
This article is a study and practical guide for the performance analysis, tuning, and troubleshooting of Java services running within Docker containers.
December 08, 2023Source

Top 8 Real-Life React Apps Examples
React is one of the best choices for web- or mobile-based applications used by top enterprise apps like Facebook, Walmart, and Instagram.
December 08, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 6th, 2023

When to use abstract classes versus interfaces in Java
Abstract classes and interfaces in Java serve fundamentally different purposes. Learn the differences between these Java language elements and how to use them in your programs.
December 6, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 5th, 2023

Node.js Unveiled: Why You Should Use It for Enterprise Apps
Node.js enables enterprises to create fast, scalable, and secure applications, helping them achieve business objectives and gain a competitive edge.
December 5, 2023Source

What is the JDK? Introduction to the Java Development Kit
The JDK is the development platform for building Java applications. Learn about different JDK versions, then install a JDK in your development environment and use it to compile a Java program.
December 5, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 4th, 2023

Automate JBoss Web Server Deployment With the Red Hat Certified Content Collection for JWS
In this article, learn how to fully automate the deployment and management of Red Hat JBoss Web Server on thousands of servers using Ansible!
December 4, 2023Source

Java on Azure Team Focuses on OpenAI Chat Playground for AI Experimentation
Microsoft's sweeping infusion of advanced AI tech throughout its dev tooling continues apace, most recently providing a new focus point for the company's Java on Azure team.
December 4, 2023Source

How Marketing Changed OOP In JavaScript
Discussing the decisions surrounding JavaScript prototypes, the article by Juan Diego Rodriguez scrutinizes their origin, examines missteps in the design, and explores how these factors have affected the way we write JavaScript today.
December 4, 2023Source

Programming — Java — December 1st, 2023

Java 11 to 21: A Visual Guide for Seamless Migration
Upgrade Java 11 to 21 for enhanced security, framework support, new features, and performance. Follow a step-by-step guide for a smooth transition.
December 1, 2023Source

Javet 3.0.2 Released: Bridging Java and JavaScript with Enhanced Features
Javet, a fusion of Java and V8 (JAVa + V + EighT), has recently released its version 3.0.2, marking a significant advancement in embedding Node.js and V8 in Java. This version includes Node.js v20.10.0 and V8 v12.0.267.8, highlighting the project's commitment to staying current with the latest developments in these technologies.
December 1, 2023Source

Quarkus 3: The Future of Java Microservices With Virtual Threads and Beyond
Learn how Quarkus integrates the virtual thread for Java developers to run blocking applications with a single @RunOnVirtualThread annotation.
December 1, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 30th, 2023

Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Tech Decisions
The analytic hierarchy process uses pairwise comparisons and scoring for criteria between the alternatives to give insights into what the best option is and why. John Riviello spoke about applying the analytic hierarchy process to decide what JavaScript framework to use at QCon New York 2023.
November 30, 2023Source

Going Global: a Deep Dive to Build an Internationalization Framework
Imagine a world where your software speaks fluently to everyone, irrespective of their native tongue. That's what internationalization and localization achieve. While brushing it off is tempting, remember that localizing your app isn't just about translating text. It's about offering a tailored experience that resonates with your user's culture, region, and language preferences.
November 30, 2023Source

Deno adds Deno Cron for job scheduling
Deno Cron jobs can perform actions such as updating state in Deno KV, pinging a website, sending email, initiating a database backup, and calling an API at regular intervals.
November 30, 2023Source

Is Next.js right for you? Here are the top 5 Performance Benefits
Developer framework review
November 30, 2023Source

MERN Stack: A Popular Choice for Modern Web Development
As a developer, you're certainly familiar with the LAMP stack, which consists of open-source components for creating dynamic websites and online apps.
November 30, 2023Source

Simplify Java: Reducing Unnecessary Layers and Interfaces
Simplify Java code by reducing unnecessary layers and interfaces. Unlock the power of simplicity to enhance maintainability without sacrificing functionality.
November 30, 2023Source or Watch Video

Troubleshooting "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded"
In this post, let's discuss what triggered this problem, explore how different browsers respond to it, and how we went about solving it.
November 30, 2023Source

Virtual Threads: A Definite Advantage
Delve into how virtual threads can enhance your application's performance and scalability, all while keeping thread management overhead very minimal.
November 30, 2023Source

What's New in Next.js 14 and How Does It Achieve To Be So Fast?
Next.js 14 brings notable improvements to its TurboPack, the engine responsible for efficient compilation, now it is faster.
November 30, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 29th, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide To Working With JSON in JavaScript
This tutorial covers everything you need to know about working with JSON objects in JavaScript. It includes topics such as creating, parsing, and manipulating JSON data.
November 29, 2023Source

Get started with Java's new structured concurrency model
Java has a powerful new concurrency model, and it works with both traditional and virtual threads. Here's a first look at structured concurrency.
November 29, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 28th, 2023

InfoQ Java Trends Report — November 2023
This report provides a summary of how the InfoQ Java editorial team currently sees the adoption of technology and emerging trends within the Java space. We focus on Java the language, as well as related languages like Kotlin and Scala, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and Java-based frameworks and utilities.
November 28, 2023Source

JDK 22: The new features in Java 22
The number of proposed features for the next version of standard Java now totals 10, with the addition of a second preview of structured concurrency and an enhancement to the Java application launcher.
November 28, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 24th, 2023

Converting ActiveMQ to Jakarta (Part 1)
Jakarta, formerly the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE or J2EE), is the standardization of many important APIs used in enterprise and mobile Java applications.
November 24, 2023Source

How To Create an Analytical Dashboard With Next.js: Airline Dashboard Example
In this tutorial, learn about constructing a dashboard and creating a pivot table and charts in the Next.js a
November 24, 2023Source

Java Collection Overhead
In this article, we will concentrate on the overhead caused by lists that contain two or three elements, which can be easily overlooked.
November 24, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 23rd, 2023

Unlocking the Power of Streaming: Effortlessly Upload Gigabytes to AWS S3 With Node.js
This article guides you through building a Node.js application for efficient data uploads to Amazon S3, including setup, integration, and database storage.
November 23, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 22nd, 2023

Elevating React Development: Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT for React Developers
In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the myriad use cases where ChatGPT can empower React developers, providing valuable insights.
November 22, 2023Source

What's New Between Java 17 and Java 21?
In this blog, some of the changes between Java 17 and Java 21 are highlighted, mainly by means of examples. Take a look at the changes since the last LTS release.
November 22, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 21st, 2023

JavaScript Naming Conventions Are Important
Learn JavaScript naming conventions for cleaner code: variables, functions, classes, and more. Enhance code readability and collaboration.
November 21, 2023Source

JetBrains State of Developer Ecosystem 2023: A Closer Look at Learning Trends
The survey shows a surge of interest in learning new languages, which speaks volumes about the adaptability and curiosity of Java developers.
November 21, 2023Source

Serial GC Tuning
Want to learn about Serial GC tuning? In this post, we will explore techniques to tune Serial GC for enhanced performance specifically.
November 21, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 20th, 2023

Java News Roundup: Spring Framework 6.1, Spring Data 2023.1, Payara Platform, JEPs for JDK 22
This week's Java roundup for November 13th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, and monthly, milestone and point releases of: Spring Framework; Spring Data; Payara Platform; Open Liberty; Micronaut; Grails; Quarkus; Tomcat; Apache Camel; Vert.x; Mojarra; Micrometer Metrics and Tracing; Project Reactor; Piranha; JDKMon; JobRunr; JHipster Lite; Testcontainers for Java; Arquillian; and Gradle.
November 20, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 17th, 2023

JPA Criteria With Pagination
This introduction explores the synergy between JPA Criteria and Pagination, shedding light on how developers can leverage this combination to fetch and organize data.
November 17, 2023Source

Top Big Data Tools for Java Developers in 2023
We cover some of the most popular big data tools for Java developers. Discover the best big data tools and what to look for.
November 17, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 16th, 2023

Build ChatGPT 2.0 With React JS
In this blog, we will explore how to build ChatGPT 2.0 with React JS, a powerful combination that can take your chatbot development to the next level.
November 16, 2023Source

Ways To Reduce JVM Docker Image Size
Explore different JVM Docker container image size optimizations through experiments with base images and the creation of custom JRE, jlink, and jdeps.
November 16, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 15th, 2023

Introduction To Face Authentication With FACEIO in AngularJS
This is a step-by-step guide illustrating how to implement face authentication via FaceIO in Angular JS.
November 15, 2023Source

Performance of ULID and UUID in Postgres Database
Don't know what data type to use for the primary key in Postgres? Let's take measurements for UUID and ULID and decide which is better.
November 15, 2023Source

Project Loom: Understand the new Java concurrency model
Project Loom massively increases resource efficiency while preserving backward compatibility with Java threads. Here's a look at Loom and the roadmap ahead
November 15, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 14th, 2023

Exploring IBM App Connect Enterprise
In this article, we take a dive into some of the features of IBM App Connect Enterprise and explore how developers can use them for their integration needs.
November 14, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 9th, 2023

Bio Farma's Bio-TCV typhoid conjugate vaccine licensed in Indonesia following marketing approval
The International Vaccine Institute (IVI), an international organization with a mission to discover, develop, and deliver safe, effective, and affordable vaccines for global health, and Bio Farma, a biotechnology company based in West Java, Indonesia, announced today that Bio Farma's Bio-TCV® typhoid conjugate vaccine (TCV) was licensed in Indonesia following marketing approval from Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM), the national regulatory authority.
November 9, 2023Source

Java Library Development
The 'java-library-template' is a comprehensive solution for Java library developers that simplifies every aspect of library creation and maintenance.
November 9, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 7th, 2023

ECMAScript Decorators: The Ones That Are Real
History of ECMAScript decorators, their implementation, real-life examples of the decorator pattern in action, and what will happen to the proposal next.
November 7, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 6th, 2023

Exploring Lightweight Concurrency With Virtual Threads: A Developer-Agnostic Perspective
Virtual threads simplify concurrent programming, enhance scalability, and optimize resource usage in complex applications.
November 6, 2023Source

Next.js versus Express.js: What Are the Differences?
In this article, discover the differences between Next.js and Express.js, including their features, pros, cons, and use cases.
November 6, 2023Source

Prrogramming — Java — November 3rd, 2023

Kotlin upgrade advances K2 compiler
JetBrains' high-performing compiler moves to beta for all platforms and can be used in all Kotlin projects.
November 3, 2023Source

Oracle Helidon 4 Java microservices framework stresses virtual threads
Significantly higher performance is anticipated from the open source cloud-native set of libraries.
November 3, 2023Source

Querydsl versus JPA Criteria, Part 5: Maven Integration
The first part takes a look at the Maven setup of Querydsl framework with Java EE and Jakarta. The second part sheds light on Querydsl solution with Maven classifiers.
November 3, 2023Source

Programming — Java — November 2nd, 2023

How We Built the New JSON API for Cassandra and Astra DB
We looked to the Mongoose project for the kinds of data access patterns that Node.js developers need to bring the scale of Cassandra to documents.
November 2, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 31st, 2023

Java 22 begins to take shape
The foreign function and memory API, for interoperability with native code, would be finalized in the JDK 22 release due in March 2024.
October 31, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 30th, 2023

A Study on Java Static Analysis Tool Reports Triage Using Machine Learning Approaches
This study offers a thorough exploration of the effective triage of findings from Java static analysis tools utilizing cutting-edge machine learning techniques.
October 30, 2023Source

How To Sign EIP-712 Structured Data With MetaMask
MetaMask is one of the most used crypto wallets, but it offers much more than that. With its help, we have the possibility to digitally sign data structures, which can be utilized in many different ways. One option is to use MetaMask for authenticating our users.
October 30, 2023Source

Monads in TypeScript
Maybe Monad, IO Monad and State Monad are some examples of widely used Monads.
October 30, 2023Source

Possible Java streams enhancement
Operations would be more flexible and expansive under the proposal by the OpenJDK community.
October 30, 2023Source

Simplifying Data Entities in Spring Data With Java Records
Java developers have been relying on Spring Data for efficient data access. With the Java records, the way data entities are managed has significantly changed.
October 30, 2023Source

Using JavaScript to build your AI SaaS business
In today's tech world, JavaScript is everywhere and is mainly used to make websites more interactive. Meanwhile, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has moved beyond just being a topic in science fiction. It's now a big deal in many different fields.
October 30, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 27th, 2023

IBM launches AI-powered Watsonx for translating COBOL programs into Java code
Bringing mainframe computing into the cloud era
October 27, 2023Source

Red Hat Quarkus Java stack spruces up the dev UI
The Red Hat build of Quarkus 3.2 features an enriched UI for Java development and the new Pact tool for contract-based testing.
October 27, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 24th, 2023

Angular versus Flutter for Web App Development: Know Which One Is Best?
We will compare Angular and Flutter frameworks to help you decide which one is better suited for developing your web app.
October 24, 2023Source

How to Create Your Own 'Dynamic' Bean Definitions in Spring
Recently, I joined a software project with a Spring/Hibernate-based software stack, which is shipped in an SAAS-like manner, but the databases of the customers need to be separated from each other. Sounds easy for you? Ok let's see what we have in detail.
October 24, 2023Source

Unlocking the Power of OpenAI in React: Revolutionizing User Experiences
In this blog, we will explore how to use OpenAI in React to revolutionize user experiences. Discover how integrating OpenAI with React can transform user experiences.
October 24, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 23rd, 2023

Java News Roundup: Unnamed Variables and Patterns, WildFly 30, MicroProfile 6.1, Payara Platform
This week's Java roundup for October 16th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, BellSoft, Oracle VS Code extension, WildFly 30, Payara Platform, MicroProfile 6.1, EclipseCon and releases for GraalVM Native Build Tools, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Authorization Server, Spring Cloud Dataflow, Micronaut, Quarkus, Open Liberty, Apache TomEE, Apache Tomcat, JHipster and JHipster Lite.
October 23, 2023Source

The Future of Java: Virtual Threads in JDK 21 and Their Impact
The article discusses the addition of virtual threads to JDK 21 and their impact on the future of Java.
October 23, 2023Source

What Removing Object Properties Tells Us About JavaScript
Removing properties from an object in JavaScript might not be the most exciting job, but there are many ways to achieve it, each revealing a fundamental aspect of how JavaScript works. Juan Diego Rodríguez explores each technique in this article.
October 23, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 20th, 2023

How to Sustain Quality and Velocity in a JavaScript or TypeScript Project?
JavaScript (even with TypeScript type checking) is sometimes criticized for its unpredictable traits and lack of conventions. This is no surprise for those who know that JavaScript was designed as a scripting language for web browsers.
October 20, 2023Source

Oracle Offers Java Language Server Tool for VS Code
Oracle announced a language server tool for Java developers using Visual Studio Code to provide language-specific "smarts" in the super-popular, open source-based, cross-platform code editor.
October 20, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 19th, 2023

Exploring the Impact of Stack Size on JVM Thread Creation: A Myth Debunked
This article debunks the commonly held belief that stack size influences the number of native threads that can be created in a JVM environment.
October 19, 2023Source

Serialization in Java Tutorial with Examples
Learn about serialization in Java with our comprehensive tutorial. We provide examples to help you understand how serialization works and how to use it.
October 19, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 18th, 2023

Intro to JSON-LD: JSON for the semantic web
JSON-LD extends JSON to include linking information. Here's how it could make JSON a top-tier player in hypermedia and the semantic web.
October 18, 2023Source

Node.js 21 brings WebSocket client
Latest release of popular JavaScript runtime also features test runner improvements and enhanced V8 engine.
October 18, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 17th, 2023

C# Overtaking Java in Popularity Index
"The gap between C# and Java never has been so small," says the latest edition of the TIOBE Index of programming language popularity. "Currently, the difference is only 1.2 percent, and if the trends remain this way, C# will surpass Java in about 2 month's time."
October 17, 2023Source

Impact of React on Logistics and Supply Chain: Revolutionizing Efficiency and Innovation
In this article, we will explore significant impact of ReactJS in this domain, benefits, and real-world use cases that highlight how it is revolutionizing industry.
October 17, 2023Source

OpenJS Foundation Announces Availability of Node.js 21
The OpenJS Foundation releases Node.js 21 as "Current;" Node.js 20 gets LTS status.
October 17, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 16th, 2023

C# nears Java: a dramatic climb in programming language popularity rankings
It may topple it in about two months based on the current trends
October 16, 2023Source

Choosing a Tech Stack: 10 Important Factors to Consider
React versus Vue, Kubernetes versus docker, Kotlin versus Go — the choice is yours
October 16, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 13th, 2023

10 Simple CSS and JavaScript Micro-interactions for Buttons
In this article, we'll learn ten simple ways to add micro-interactions to buttons on a web page.
October 13, 2023Source

A Guide to Optimizing JavaScript Files
This article will explore practical JavaScript file optimization techniques, how to deal with performance issues related to JavaScript files, and tools to help the optimization process. You'll gain the knowledge to boost your web application speed and provide a seamless experience to your users.
October 13, 2023Source

An Introduction to the esbuild Bundler
esbuild is a fast bundler that can optimize JavaScript, TypeScript, JSX, and CSS code. This article will help you get up to speed with esbuild and show you how to create your own build system without other dependencies.
October 13, 2023Source

Build Your First JavaScript ChatGPT Plugin
In this article I will explain what Chat Plugins are, what they can do, and how you can build your own with JavaScript.
October 13, 2023Source

Delay, Sleep, Pause & Wait in JavaScript
In this article, we'll explore various techniques to implement delays in your JavaScript code, keeping in mind the language's asynchronous nature.
October 13, 2023Source

Demystifying JavaScript Operators: What Does That Symbol Mean?
In this article, we're going to examine the operators in JavaScript one by one. We'll explain their function and demonstrate their usage, helping you to grasp their role in building more complex expressions.
October 13, 2023Source

GraalVM Replaces the GraalVM Updater with Language Libraries
Oracle Labs announced that Java libraries will replace the GraalVM Updater (gu) starting with GraalVM on JDK 21. The updater enabled the installation and management of GraalVM language runtimes and utilities. Libraries are available for their other supported languages such as JavaScript, Node.js, Python, WebAssembly and Ruby.
October 13, 2023Source

Java and MongoDB Integration: A CRUD Tutorial [Video Tutorial]
This video tutorial series integrates Java with MongoDB, unlocking project potential and deepening understanding.
October 13, 2023Source

Top 30+ Spring Boot Interview Questions With Answers
This post will present you with a curated set of often-requested Spring Boot interview questions to help you ace your interviews.
October 13, 2023Source

What's New in Node.js 20
This article examines the new options available to developers using the world's most-used JavaScript runtime.
October 13, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 12th, 2023

Ballerina Code to GraalVM Executable
This article is written using Ballerina Swan Lake Update 7(2201.7.0). We will explore how to build a GraalVM native executable for a Ballerina application.
October 12, 2023Source

Exploring Exciting New Features in Java 17 With Examples
In this blog, we will learn about 5 new Java features: 1. Sealed Classes 2. Pattern Matching for Switch 3. Foreign Function Interface (FFI) 4. Memory API 5. Text Block
October 12, 2023Source

How To Build React Video Calling App With Video SDK
This tutorial shows how to build a video calling app with React and Video SDK — setting up the environment, integrating video calling, and implementing meeting controls.
October 12, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 11th, 2023

Best Practices To Deal With Javax to Jakarta Migration
In this post, I'll explain everything you need to know to upgrade to Jakarta EE 9+ successfully and in almost no time.
October 11, 2023Source

C# challenges Java in language popularity
Microsoft's object-oriented language for .NET has closed the gap with Java in the Tiobe index of programming language popularity.
October 11, 2023Source

How to Password Protect a PDF File Using Java: A Step-By-Step Guide
Learn how to password protect PDF files using Java and Apache PDFBox. Follow this step-by-step guide to secure sensitive information and implement robust PDF encryption.
October 11, 2023Source

How To Select Which Version of Java to Use in Linux (+ Video Tutorial)
Which version of Java should you use in Linux? Learn how to easily switch between different versions with a tutorial from Jack Wallen.
October 11, 2023Source or Watch Video

Intro to Hyperscript: Rethinking JavaScript
Hyperscript is a newer language for handling common scripting needs on the JavaScript front end. You can use it by itself or in tandem with HTMX.
October 11, 2023Source

Java 21 Is a Major Step for Java: Non-Blocking IO and Upgraded ZGC
Let's understand how Virtual Threads are a major benefit for developers and the whole Java ecosystem and how ZGC improves on Java's already solid GC capabilities.
October 11, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 10th, 2023

EclipseStore High-Performance-Serializer
I will introduce you to the serializer from the EclipseStore project and show you how to use it to take advantage of a new type of serialization.
October 10, 2023Source

How I Built a Chat Messaging App Using JavaScript and Solace PubSub+
In this article, I will walk you through building the messaging part of a chat messaging application in JavaScript with Solace PubSub+.
October 10, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 9th, 2023

AI in Java: Building a ChatGPT Clone With Spring Boot and LangChain
Learn to build a ChatGPT clone with Spring Boot, LangChain, and Hilla in Java. Cover both synchronous chat completions and advanced streaming completion.
October 9, 2023Source

Getting Started With HarperDB and Java: Your First "Hello, World" Integration
In this article, learn how HarperDB integrates with Java as a choice for building real-time and data-intensive applications.
October 9, 2023Source

QCon SF 2023: How Netflix Really Uses Java by Paul Bakker
Paul Bakker, Java Platform at Netflix, Java Champion, and co-author of "Java 9 Modularity," presented How Netflix Really Uses Java at the 2023 QCon San Francisco conference.
October 9, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 6th, 2023

Java 22 begins to take shape
The foreign function and memory API, for interoperability with native code, would be finalized in the JDK 22 release due in March 2024.
October 6, 2023Source

JavaScript's Secret Weapon: Unraveling the Mysteries of Proxies
JavaScript's Proxy object redefines object interactions, transforming data manipulation. Explore its magic and versatility.
October 6, 2023Source

Security Best Practices for ReactJS in Web App Development
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best security practices for ReactJS in web app development against potential threats.
October 6, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 5th, 2023

Java 21 SequenceCollection: Unleash the Power of Ordered Collections
Java 21 introduces SequenceCollection, enabling precise control over ordered collections with methods like addFirst, addLast, and reversed.
October 5, 2023Source

Optimizing React Apps for Web Development: A Comprehensive Guide
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various strategies and best practices for optimizing React apps for web development.
October 5, 2023Source

QCon San Francisco 2023 Day 2: Design for Resilience, Platform Engineering, Modern ML, JVM Trends
Day Two of the 17th annual QCon San Francisco conference was held on October 3rd, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco in San Francisco, California. This five-day event, consisting of three days of presentations and two days of workshops, is organized by C4Media, a software media company focused on unbiased content and information in the enterprise development community and creators of InfoQ and QCon.
October 5, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 3rd, 2023

Better Way To Manage Your Node.js Secrets, Technically
Building software projects involves managing various services and environment-specific variables, often necessitating secure storage of sensitive data such as databases and cloud service credentials
October 3, 2023Source

Microsoft ships Java 21 builds
Microsoft made Microsoft Build for OpenJDK 21 binaries available for free download and announced that JDK 21 will soon be available in Azure PaaS services.
October 3, 2023Source

Programming — Java — October 2nd, 2023

Java Invokedynamic: Bootstrapping an Alternative Method
This experiment intends to demonstrate the power of the invokedynamic instruction in JVM. This instruction is used for different pieces of Java functionality these days, such as switch statements, lambdas, and many cases of String concatenation.
October 2, 2023Source

Latest Node.js boosts stream performance
Node.js v20.8.0 release also brings memory management improvements that address longstanding memory leaks.
October 2, 2023Source

Scalable Rate Limiting in Java With Code Examples: Managing Multiple Instances
Implement scalable rate limiting in Java using Token Bucket, Redis, and Gradle for high-performance and DoS attack protection.
October 2, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 29th, 2023

How To Get and Set PDF Form Fields in Java
This article discusses the utility of PDF forms and provides two free API solutions for simplifying and expediting interactions with PDF forms on the web.
September 29, 2023Source

Is Your Java Application Slow? Check out These Open-Source Profilers
Johannes Bechberger is a JVM developer working on profilers and their underlying technology in the SapMachine team at SAP. This includes improvements to async-profiler and its ecosystem, a website to view the different JFR event types, and improvements to the FirefoxProfiler, making it usable in the Java world.
September 29, 2023Source

Untangling Deadlocks Caused by Java's "parallelStream"
In this post, we dive deep into a real-world deadlock saga triggered by the seemingly innocent use of Java's "parallelStream."
September 29, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 28th, 2023

Microsoft Releases OpenJDK 21 Build for Java Jockeys
Microsoft today announced its "Microsoft Build of OpenJDK 21," taking advantage of new features and functionality in Java 21.
September 28, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 27th, 2023

10 JavaScript concepts every Node developer must master
Want to build efficient and scalable Node.js applications? Learn how to make JavaScript work for you, not against you.
September 27, 2023Source

Building AI Applications With Java and Gradle
Explore AI development with Java and Gradle using popular libraries like Deeplearning4j, Weka, and Encog through practical code examples.
September 27, 2023Source

Gatling Supports Java DSL for Java and Kotlin-Based Performance Tests
The load testing tool Gatling is designed for ease of use, maintainability and performance. It originally provided a Scala DSL to write test scenarios. Some time ago, a Java DSL was released, making it possible to write test scenarios in Java or Kotlin.
September 27, 2023Source

How To Create a Resource Chart in JavaScript
Master interactive resource charts (Gantt charts for resource allocation) with this step-by-step guide using the FIFA World Cup 2022 schedule as a real-world example.
September 27, 2023Source

How To Perform Cypress Accessibility Testing
This article on Cypress accessibility testing discusses the importance of accessibility testing and how to perform Cypress accessibility testing on a cloud grid.
September 27, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 26th, 2023

An Introduction to the Bun JavaScript Runtime
The original version of this article was published in early 2023. Now that Bun version 1.0 has arrived, we review whether this milestone will have any impact on the current JavaScript champions.
September 26, 2023Source

Java News Roundup: JDK 21, GraalVM for JDK 21, Apache Pinot 1.0, Eclipse Epicyro 3.0
This week's Java roundup for September 18th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, JDK 21, GraalVM, Corretto, Liberica, Epicyro 3.0, Pinot 1.0, and releases for: Spring Boot; Spring Integration; Spring Batch; Spring Cloud Dataflow; Spring Security; Spring GraphQL; Spring Authorization Server; Spring Apache Pulsar; Spring Modulith; Quarkus; Open Liberty; Micronaut; Hibernate; OpenXava; and Gradle.
September 26, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 25th, 2023

9 Best Free Node.js Hosting 2023
Are you looking for the best free Nodejs hosting platforms? You are at the right place. Node.js is a highly popular JavaScript open-source server environment used by many developers across the world.
September 25, 2023Source

Advantages and Disadvantages of Java
Java is a versatile and popular programming language that has played a key role in software development for more than two decades. Its use cases range from developer large scale enterprise applications to the creation of Android mobile apps and desktop software. In this tutorial, we will explore the many advantages and disadvantages of programming with Java, shedding light on its strengths and weaknesses.
September 25, 2023Source

They Say Error Handling in Go Is Easy, but Is It?
Error handling in Go is simple, but it has its gotchas. Let's compare it to Java's defined error handling
September 25, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 22nd, 2023

TypeScript: Useful Features
Some advanced constructs may require a learning curve, but can significantly bolster your type safety. This article introduces you to some of these advanced features.
September 22, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 21st, 2023

Make Java fast! Performance tuning Java
Learn how to optimize JVM and JIT compiler performance for better execution speed, memory usage, and resource utilization in your Java applications--and how to check your results.
September 21, 2023Source

Memory Management in Java: An Introduction
Understanding memory management in Java, and particularly the role of object allocation is essential when optimising system performance.
September 21, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 20th, 2023

HLS in Depth
HLS is a widely adopted, simple, robust streaming protocol. Learn how it works from a client's perspective, its segments, features, and disadvantages.
September 20, 2023Source

Java Extends versus Implements: What's the Difference?
Java provides a powerful threading mechanism that allows developers to create and manage concurrent processes. One of the fundamental classes in Java for working with threads is the Thread class.
September 20, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 19th, 2023

Auditing Spring Boot Using JPA, Hibernate, and Spring Data JPA
This article provides a comprehensive guide to implementing auditing in Spring Boot applications using JPA, Hibernate, and Spring Data JPA.
September 19, 2023Source

DataStax's new JSON API targets JavaScript developers
The new API, which will be made available through DataStax's Stargate, will allow JavaScript developers to leverage Astra DB as a vector database for their large language model (LLM), AI assistant, and real-time generative AI projects.
September 19, 2023Source

How To Aim for High GC Throughput
Explore a key performance metric studied during garbage collection — what it means, its significance in Java applications, and how it impacts overall performance.
September 19, 2023Source

Java 21 / JDK 21 Reaches GA With Virtual Threads, Generational ZGC
Java 21 and the JDK 21 release under a general availability (GA) status occurred a short time ago as the newest major update to the Java programming language.
September 19, 2023Source or Source

JDK 21: The new features in Java 21
Java 21 has arrived in a production release with 15 features including virtual threads, a generational Z garbage collector, and a key encapsulation mechanism API.
September 19, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 18th, 2023

Java News Roundup: JCP 25th Anniversary, Foreign Function & Memory API, Eclipse Epicyro
This week's Java roundup for September 11th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JCP, JDK 22, JDK 21, Payara Platform, Eclipse Epicyro, Grails Plugin Portal and milestone and point releases for: Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Tools, Quarkus, Micronaut, Helidon, MicroProfile Telemetry, Groovy, Camel Quarkus, Micrometer Metrics and Tracing, Piranha, JobRunr, JHipster Lite and Project Reactor.
September 18, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 15th, 2023

Mastering Persistence: Why the Persistence Layer Is Crucial for Modern Java Applications
Ignoring the persistence layer in software can cause data problems, slow performance, maintenance issues, and limited adaptability. It's vital for secure, efficient, and flexible applications.
September 15, 2023Source

Next.js versus Gatsby: A Comprehensive Comparison
In this blog post, we embark on a deep dive into the world of Next.js and Gatsby and a comprehensive comparison between them.
September 15, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 13th, 2023

Making TypeScript Truly "Strongly Typed"
How to control the "any" type to achieve ultimate type safety
September 13, 2023Source

New Free Tool From Contrast Security Makes API Security Testing Fast and Easy
CodeSec by Contrast brings fast and accurate scans to developers for free. It can be up and running in less than five minutes.
September 13, 2023Source

Use TensorFlow to predict Bitcoin prices
Here's your chance to use TensorFlow with JavaScript. Train a neural network to predict the rise and fall of Bitcoin prices.
September 13, 2023Source

Writing Kubernetes Operators in Java: Part 1
Kubernetes operators are typically written using Go. Recent advances and projects now make Java a compelling platform to write operators.
September 13, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 12th, 2023

Eliminating Bugs Using the Tong Motion Approach
Delve into a two-pronged strategy that streamlines debugging, enabling developers to swiftly pinpoint and resolve elusive software glitches.
September 12, 2023Source or Watch Video

Kotlin rises to the Tiobe top 20
JetBrains language for Android, JVM, and multiplatform development has become the 20th most popular programming language, according to Tiobe.
September 12, 2023Source

What Is useContext in React?
By the end of this article, you'll have a thorough understanding of how to use useContext in React to manage state and props effectively.
September 12, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 11th, 2023

Bun 1.0 all-in-one JavaScript runtime and toolkit
In the ever-evolving world of JavaScript development, a new player has emerged on the scene. Bun 1.0, an all-in-one JavaScript runtime and toolkit, has been launched with the aim of simplifying the development process by eliminating unnecessary complexity. Bun is a toolkit designed for building, running, testing, and debugging JavaScript and TypeScript, offering a comprehensive solution for developers.
September 11, 2023Source or Watch Video

Chris' Corner: Variations on What Not to Do
I think the nail is in coffin now: you should never design something for the web with only one (or even a narrow set) of particular viewport sizes in mind. It's just so darn tempting to think that way. You have a couple of pretty specific screen sizes in front of you right now, you likely design toward those to some degree.
September 11, 2023Source

Exploring IBM App Connect Enterprise
In this article, we take a dive into some of the features of IBM App Connect Enterprise and explore how developers can use them for their integration needs.
September 11, 2023Source

Java plan would support GPUs and other foreign programming models
Project Babylon would extend the reach of Java to foreign programming models such as machine learning models, GPUs, SQL, and differential programming.
September 11, 2023Source

LTS JDK 21 Features
In this post, take a dive into the upcoming LTS release — it might be just the version you will stick to for the years ahead!
September 11, 2023Source

Mastering React: Common Interview Questions and Answers
To help you prepare for your next React interview, we have compiled a comprehensive list of interview questions and provided detailed answers to help you succeed.
September 11, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 8th, 2023

Java Parallel GC Tuning
Parallel garbage collector is one of the oldest Garbage Collection algorithms introduced in JVM to leverage the processing power of modern multi-core systems.
September 8, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 7th, 2023

Unleashing the Power of React Hooks
In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of React Hooks, exploring their benefits, use cases, and how to leverage them.
September 7, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 6th, 2023

Chronicle Services: Low Latency Java Microservices Without Pain
Chronicle Services allows low-latency Java microservices to be built on the Chronicle Software stack, focussing on business logic rather than software infrastructure.
September 6, 2023Source

Intro to Hapi: The Node.js framework
Hapi is a Node.js framework that features a high-quality code stack, powerful configuration, and dialed-in extensibility—all without added dependencies. Let's take Hapi for a spin.
September 6, 2023Source

Node.js upgrade adds environment variable config
The JavaScript runtime also boasts ECMAScript modules.
September 6, 2023Source

Solving Unique Search Requirements Using TreeMap Data Structure
In this article, I am not going to explain the Red-Black algorithm in detail, but we will focus on a few of the niche functionalities provided by TreeMap.
September 6, 2023Source

taichi.js: Painless WebGPU Programming
This article explains how to use WebGPU to compute and render pipelines in simple JavaScript syntax using taichi.js.
September 6, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 5th, 2023

A PDF Framework That Solves the Pain Points of Enterprise Development
In this article, learn about a PDF framework that solves the pain points of enterprise development using Java and JavaScript.
September 5, 2023Source

Creating a Deep versus Shallow Copy of an Object in Java
There are two main ways to make copies: deep copy and shallow copy. Let's explore these concepts and see how they work with some easy examples.
September 5, 2023Source

The Role of JavaScript in Front-End and Back-End Development
Discover the pivotal role of JavaScript in both front-end and back-end development. Explore its impact, versatility, and comparisons to PHP.
September 5, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 4th, 2023

Generating Real-Time Audio Sentiment Analysis With AI
In his previous article, Joas Pambou demonstrated how to build a tool to transcribe audio files and assign a score that measures the sentiment expressed in the transcription. The idea was to showcase how an audio file can be transcribed and evaluated for emotion. Now, Joas expands the tool to provide a sentiment score in real-time and enhances the user experience by providing multilingual support.
September 4, 2023Source

Programming — Java — September 1st, 2023

Azul Java learns to cut warmup times
Azul's ReadyNow technology learns from application usage and automatically selects the best warmup optimization patterns, the company said.
September 1, 2023Source

From browser brat to backend boss: Will WASM win the web wars?
WebAssembly is getting a lot of hype, but is it the game-changer some think it is?
September 1, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 31st, 2023

Temporal Paradoxes: Multitasking at Its Finest
Distributed systems are complicated. By building an application with Temporal, you get parallelism, concurrency, and fault tolerance for free.
August 31, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 30th, 2023

Diagnose CPU Spikes in a Non-Intrusive Manner
In this post, we are going to discuss a non-intrusive approach (i.e., approach that doesn't add any noticeable overhead to the application) to diagnose CPU spike.
August 30, 2023Source

Intro to Java's Simple Web Server
Java 18's Simple Web Server lets you use a command-line tool or API to host files and more. Here's how it works.
August 30, 2023Source

Making a Desktop Web App Mobile-Friendly With a Virtual Mouse Touchpad
Bridging the gap
August 30, 2023Source

MicroStream Debuts Eclipse Store Java Persistence Framework at Eclipse Foundation
MicroStream, an open-source Java native persistence framework, recently released Eclipse Store, hosted by the Eclipse Foundation.
August 30, 2023Source

Streamlining Code with Unnamed Patterns/Variables: A Comparative Study of Java, Kotlin, and Scala
In the world of programming, the underscore (`_`) is a character with a wide range of uses. It's often referred to as syntactic sugar, as it simplifies the code and makes it more concise.
August 30, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 29th, 2023

Perhaps AI is going to take away coding jobs — of those who trust this tech too much
Llama 2 avoids errors by staying quiet, GPT-4 gives long, if useless, samples
August 29, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 28th, 2023

Java News Roundup: Introducing Spring AI, Spring Modulith 1.0, Testcontainers Desktop
This week's Java roundup for August 21st, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, JDK 21, Jakarta EE, BellSoft, Spring Modulith 1.0, Spring Boot, Spring Authorization Server, Spring Batch, Spring AI, Testcontainers, Open Liberty, Quarkus, MicroProfile Metrics and Telemetry, Micronaut, Groovy, Tomcat, Grails, JHipster Lite, Vert.x Pinot Client, Yupiik Fusion and SpringOne conference.
August 28, 2023Source

Unity3D + Amazon GameLift: Focus on the Realtime Script
Write your own script and take control over the game server!
August 28, 2023Source or Watch Video

What's New in TypeScript 5.2
Microsoft shipped TypeScript 5.2, the latest edition of the popular programming language that adds the optional ability to use type systems when working with JavaScript.
August 28, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 24th, 2023

A Split Image Effect in React
A random image from Unsplash split into stripes and recomposed
August 24, 2023Source

Meta releases Code Llama, a code-generating AI model
Meta, intent on making a splash in a generative AI space rife with competition, is on something of an open source tear.
August 24, 2023Source

SQLite 3.43 Released With Up To 2x Performance For JSON Processing
SQLite 3.43 is out today as the newest version of this popular open-source embedded SQL database library that is widely used by countless applications and other software for a variety of data storage purposes.
August 24, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 23rd, 2023

Mastering Node.js: The Ultimate Guide
Node.js has become immensely popular and widely adopted for web development due to its speed, scalability, and flexibility.
August 23, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 11th, 2023

Ahead of time compilation proposed for the JVM
An OpenJDK plan would improve Java Virtual Machine startup times with the ability to load Java applications and libraries already compiled to native code.
August 11, 2023Source

Book Review: "OpenJDK Migration for Dummies"
Java licensing and OpenJDK migration is complex and vital to many. Learn about a fresh perspective, breaking down these challenges into digestible segments.
August 11, 2023Source

Deploying Python and Java Applications to Kubernetes With Korifi
Tutorial covering the installation and configuration of Cloud Foundry Korifi to push a Java and Python application to Kubernetes with a single command.
August 11, 2023Source

How Qwik Works
Qwik claims the fastest front-end framework right now. It offers lightning-fast page load times, regardless of the size and complexity of the web application.
August 11, 2023Source

Six Considerations When Building High-Performance Java Microservices With EDA
In this article, we will outline the six key considerations and tactics for building high-performance Java microservices using event-driven architecture.
August 11, 2023Source

Smart BDD versus Cucumber Using Java and JUnit5
Smart BDD promotes best practices with less code, complexity, higher-quality tests, and increased productivity.
August 11, 2023Source

Why ORMs Are Not Always the Way To Go
For many, using an Object Relational Mapper (ORM), like hibernate in Java, has become almost automatic. While ORMs are incredibly powerful and useful tools, their use should be carefully considered in certain contexts.
August 11, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 9th, 2023

All the new features in ECMAScript 2023 (ES14)
JavaScript continues to evolve, with a nice batch of new features added in ECMAScript 14. Here's what's new for JavaScript developers this year.
August 9, 2023Source

OpenJDK plan would add computed constants to Java
Computed constants offer the performance and safety benefits of final fields, but greater flexibility in the timing of initialization, the proposal states.
August 9, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 8th, 2023

Exploring JavaScript-Rust Interoperability With napi-rs
A quick experiment
August 8, 2023Source

How To Reduce CPU Consumption Caused by Garbage Collection
Delve into 5 effective strategies to help alleviate GC cycle side effects to optimize application performance and mitigate the impact on hosting expenses.
August 8, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 7th, 2023

The Future of Java Programming: 5 Trends To Watch in 2023
In this article, you will learn about the future of Java programming. Check out these 5 of the hottest Java trends for 2023 that you need to be aware of.
August 7, 2023Source

Programming — Java — August 4th, 2023

Improving My Code by Returning Early, Returning Often!
I've been a developer for over five years, and one of the best things I've learned is functional programming. Which gets a lot of hype and can be a bit daunting, but I've broken it down into a few simple ideas:
August 4, 2023Source

Using Spring Cloud Gateway and Discovery Service for Seamless Request Routing
In this tutorial, learn how to route requests between Java microservices with Spring Cloud Gateway and Discovery Service.
August 4, 2023Source or Watch Video

Programming — Java — August 1st, 2023

How To Get the Comments From a DOCX Document in Java
In this article, learn how to extract comments from DOCX documents at scale and pick up key insights which improve team collaboration.
August 1, 2023Source

Java: A Time-Tested Programming Language Still Going Strong
In this article, we understand why Java is still a popular programming language even after over 25 years since its first release.
August 1, 2023Source

Proper Java Exception Handling
Read this helpful article on handling exceptions correctly for peace of mind and to benefit your colleagues. Not only make you happy but also your colleagues.
August 1, 2023Source

Rich, Lazy, Mutable, and Immutable Interfaces in Eclipse Collections
Learn about Java collection interfaces with intention revealing names.
August 1, 2023Source

Understanding Package.json II: Scripts
Learn all the things you need to know about the package.json script, from why and how to use it to best practices.
August 1, 2023Source

Programming — Java — July 28th, 2023

Back to the Future: Server-Side Web Pages With Kotlin (Pt. 1)
Server-side, web page rendering, is making a comeback; here's a look at how an emerging Kotlin library could be used for this purpose.
July 28, 2023Source

Programming — Java — July 27th, 2023

Comparing MongoDB and Couchbase in Java Enterprise Architecture
Explore key differences, comparisons, and trade-offs between MongoDB and Couchbase used with Java in real-world enterprise architectures.
July 27, 2023Source

Mixing SQL and NoSQL With MariaDB and MongoDB
This article explores the compatibility of MariaDB and MongoDB for combining SQL and NoSQL databases.
July 27, 2023Source

The Future of Web Development: Predictions and Possibilities
Discover the future of web development! Explore AI, PWAs, VR, and more. Get insights on possibilities and the role of web developers.
July 27, 2023Source

Programming — Java — July 21st, 2023

Effective Coding With Java Observability
How can the team expect to code and release better using the wealth of code runtime data? What are examples of things that observability can tell you?
July 21, 2023Source

Why Sequence Matters in Regular Expressions
And here's how to use them correctly
July 21, 2023Source

Programming — Java — July 20th, 2023

API Testing With Cypress
Cypress is a great tool for testing applications, including UI and API testing. This guide covers how to use Cypress for API testing.
July 20, 2023Source

Determining Time Complexity of Algorithms Experimentally
Quality assurance is a goal that should be paramount for every professional software engineer. One of the components of this assurance is to make computer programs run smoothly and in acceptable latencies, i.e., write programs with low time complexities.
July 20, 2023Source

JetBrains ships Qodana static code analysis tool
Qodana integrates into CI/CD pipelines and with JetBrains IDEs and uses static code analysis to flag code quality, security, and performance issues.
July 20, 2023Source

Programming — Java — July 19th, 2023

Reactive Java with Spring WebFlux and Reactor
Spring WebFlux is one of the most popular frameworks for reactive programming in Java. Here's a hands-on look at using WebFlux with Reactor.
July 19, 2023Source

YAML versus JSON: Which Is More Efficient for Language Models?
In early 2020, I had the unique opportunity to gain access to OpenAI's GPT-3, a cutting-edge language model that seemed to possess almost magical capabilities.
July 19, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — A

A Comprehensive Guide to Java's New Feature: Pattern Matching for Switch
A switch statement is a control-flow statement that was originally designed to be a short-form alternative to the if-else if-else control-flow statement for certain use cases that involved multiple possible execution paths based on what a given expression evaluates to.
June 27, 2023Source

A Few Code Examples for Reactjs Engineers Learning Swift and SwiftUI
As a software engineer familiar with ReactJS, learning Swift and SwiftUI can be a smooth transition if you can map the concepts you are familiar with to the new environment. In this guide, we will look at how common ReactJS patterns translate into Swift and SwiftUI.
July 3, 2023Source

After Slowness Complaints, Microsoft Boosts Code Completion in VS Code Java Tooling
Microsoft's June update to its Java tooling in Visual Studio Code focuses on enhancing code completion performance, improving user experience in unit testing and project creation, and introducing new project types.
July 3, 2023Source

Angular Best Practices For Developing Efficient and Reliable Web Applications
Following Angular best practices is essential for developing efficient and reliable web applications that deliver exceptional user experiences.
June 27, 2023Source

Apache Kafka + Apache Flink = Match Made in Heaven
Discover the pros and cons of Apache Kafka for data streaming in combination with Apache Flink (or Kafka Streams) for stream processing.
May 5, 2023Source

Automating the Migration From JS to TS for the ZK Framework
Migrate the JavaScript codebase for the ZK framework to TypeScript with automated tools like jscodeshift, typescript-eslint, AST Explorer, and the TSDoc parser.
May 26, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — B

Best Practices for OOP in Java
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a cornerstone of Java software development, empowering developers to construct software systems that emphasize modularity, reusability, and maintainability. By adhering to well-established best practices for OOP in Java, programmers can enhance their software projects and codebases to make them more readable, maintainable, or efficient.
May 23, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — C

Can Streams Replace Loops in Java?
Code readability, performance, and limitations of Streams
July 3, 2023Source

Chris' Corner: A Balancing Act
If you're a super normal person like me, you've gone to war with typographic widows and orphans many times over your years as a developer, trying to ensure they don't happen and ruin anyone's day.
May 2, 2023Source

CI/CD Pipeline With CircleCI for React Native
This article discusses how to create CI/CD pipeline with CircleCI for React Native, which can be deployed to Android and iOS.
July 7, 2023Source

Clear Details on Java Collection 'Clear()' API
Several of us might be familiar with the clear () API in the Java collections framework. In this post, let's discuss what is the purpose of this clear() API?
May 19, 2023Source or Watch Video

Creating a Choropleth Map With JavaScript
Learn to create a choropleth map with JavaScript step by step in this tutorial, with Queen Elizabeth II's state visits as an example of data.
May 09, 2023Source

Cypress JavaScript Tutorial: A Step-By-Step Handbook
In this article, the reader will learn how Cypress test automation using JavaScript can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of software testing.
May 2, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — D

Deno 1.33 debuts built-in key-value database
Currently in beta, Deno KV is a strongly consistent key-value database integrated into the open-source Deno runtime and designed for JavaScript, with the ability to store any JavaScript structured serializable value.
May 2, 2023Source

Diving Headfirst Into Rust: A Node.js Developer's Rollercoaster Ride
Embracing the World of Rust
May 2, 2023Source

Dynamic Entity Graphs in Spring Data JPA
In this article, we will talk about JPA entity graphs and a library that enables the generation and application of entity graphs dynamically.
July 7, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — E

Empty Character Class in JavaScript Regexes
In this blog, the reader will gain knowledge about Aba Search and Replace, which is a tool for replacing text in multiple files.
May 11, 2023Source

Enriching Kafka Applications With Contextual Data
Kafka is great for event streaming architectures, continuous data integration (ETL), and messaging systems of record (database). Learn how to enhance your Kafka applications.
May 12, 2023Source

Exploring Java 21's Intriguing Additions (Part 1)
Learn about a few notable features that stand out in the upcoming Java 21, in an overview of their functionalities and potential use cases.
June 30, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — F

Fun With Helidon, GraalVM and ONNX
After creating a Machine Learning model with Oracle Machine Learning for Python (aka OML4Py) and exporting it to ONNX (see article), I wanted to have more fun with it, this time with Helidon. I made some tests with SpringBoot and Micronaut but finally decided to write this to show how to publish the ONNX model as a RESTful service using Helidon.
June 20, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — G

Going Serverless With Spring Cloud Function, AWS Lambda Java 17 Support, and SnapStart
Develop and deploy a Java serverless function that invokes OpenAI API
May 2, 2023Source

GraalVM Features and Future
In this article, look into the GraalVM's evolution and prospects to understand why you will benefit from integrating the technology in production.
July 11, 2023Source

Grok React Server Component by Quizzes
Boost performance and reduce your client-side code size
May 09, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — H

(Hopefully) The Final Article About Equals and HashCode for JPA Entities With DB-Generated IDs
The article explains how to implement equals/hashCode for JPA entities. It covers common implementations and their potential issues. Find ready-to-use methods at the end.
July 11, 2023Source

How to Check if a Kafka Server is Running
Apache Kafka is a popular distributed streaming platform that allows you to process and store huge volumes of data in real-time. Thanks to this, it has become an important component of many modern data pipelines.
May 09, 2023Source

How to Convert Excel and CSV Documents to HTML in Java
Converting documents to HTML makes them universally compatible and opens up opportunities to customize them with dynamic elements.
June 27, 2023Source

How To Develop a Modern Image Gallery With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
In this tutorial, the reader will take a walk-through on how to build a modern image gallery using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
May 09, 2023Source

How to LINQ Between Java and SQL With JPAStreamer
Looking for a more streamlined and intuitive way of querying databases, similar to the elegant LINQ constructs in C#? Check out the open-source library JPAStreamer.
May 19, 2023Source

How to Manage Full-Stack Java Development with Hilla
Hilla stands out in the open-source community as a framework designed to streamline web application development. Its combination of a Spring Boot Java backend with a reactive TypeScript frontend, along with UI design through Lit or React, enables the creation of dynamic applications. It's further enhanced by Vaadin's 40+ open-source UI web components, providing ready-to-use elements for a superior user experience.
June 8, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — J

Java 21 to drop generational Shenandoah GC
The latest JDK 21 feature list looks to cut the garbage collector capability, which might arrive in a future release.
June 9, 2023Source

Java Interview Questions
Ever been stumped by a fairly innocuous question during a job interview for a Java developer position? It happens to the best of us. The secret is to go over some of the most common questions ahead of time so that you are prepared with an answer to each of them.
June 8, 2023Source

Java String Templates Today
String manipulation is improving with JEP 430, but Manifold can help us today. Even on JDK 8, it goes further with a sophisticated templating engine.
May 12, 2023Source

JEP 441: Transforming Java with Pattern Matching for switch
Pattern matching for switch is a significant leap from the traditional switch statements and expressions. The feature allows patterns to appear in case labels, relaxes the historical null-hostility of switch, and enhances safety by requiring pattern switch statements to cover all possible input values.
July 3, 2023Source

JetBrains adds to Aqua testing IDE
Added support for Playwright and Cypress improves testing and debugging.
June 8, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — L

Latest Deno release supports NPM packages
Deno 1.34 improves NPM and Node.js compatibility and adds support for Globs, TLS certificates, and more.
May 26, 2023Source

Learning JavaScript With Imagination
This is the story of how one little octopus, explaining one beginner's concept, carried such weight and power for Kylo that it drove his interest in visual learning and led him to research something that is really quite silly. And yet, it transformed how he learned to write — and finally understand — JavaScript.
May 5, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — M

Monoids in TypeScript
Exploring a simple but powerful concept in abstract Algebra and category theory
June 9, 2023Source

More Good News for Large-Scale JavaScript Apps
Importmap offers fresh opportunities for code organization
May 19, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — N

Node.js: Architectural Gems and Best Practices for Developers to Excel
When it comes to Node.js architecture and best practices, there are several guidelines that developers should follow to build scalable and efficient web apps.
June 20, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — O

Open Liberty Unveiled: Embracing Cloud-Native Java Microservices, Jakarta EE 10 and beyond
IBM unveiled Open Liberty, boasting support for Java SE 20, Jakarta EE 10 and MicroProfile 6.0. This significant release introduces the Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile, Web Profile, and Platform, as well as enhancements to various features that comprise the profiles
May 5, 2023Source

Optional DI in JavaScript
Using dependency injection with default parameter values to make functions testable
May 2, 2023Source

Oracle introduces free license for GraalVM
Oracle is making GraalVM, a high-performance Java virtual machine and JDK with an optimized compiler, available to use and redistribute for free.
June 23, 2023Source

Overview of Java Classes
Java is an Object-Oriented (OO) language. As such it represents real world entities — both living and inanimate — as objects. For example, a car is an object, as is your Grandmother (sorry grandma). All Java objects possess attributes, such as weight and color, and methods, such as drive, brake, and even knit.
June 8, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — P

Painless WebGPU Programming with taichi.js
As a computer graphics and programming languages geek, I am delighted to have found myself working on several GPU compilers in the past 2 years.
May 30, 2023Source

Playwright JavaScript Tutorial: A Complete Guide
The combination of Playwright and JavaScript allows you to create automated tests that can be run repeatedly and consistently, saving you time and effort.
May 19, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — R

React Helpful Hints Series: Volume 2
In this series of short "bloglets" our team will cover a wide array of React topics, including developer tips, issues, and experiences.
June 9, 2023Source

Real-Time Anomaly Detection Visualization With Rerun — 'bytewax'
Rerun leverages a Python interface into a high-performant Rust visualization engine
May 2, 2023Source

Repeatable Database Updates via Liquibase
Tutorial on how to automatically re-run database scripts that are periodically updated without having to record them in the root migration file.
May 11, 2023Source

Resolver in Angular: An Overview
This article explores the concept of the Angular Resolver, its function, and its practical application for your Angular projects.
June 23, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — S

ScrapingBee API Review 2023 — Features, Pricing, Pros & Cons
Web scraping technique is used in various industries for different purpose like data mining, competitive analysis, price tracking, etc. Web scraping APIs can be really handy for building an efficient web scraper tool for various use cases.
May 09, 2023Source

Shallow Copy versus Deep Copy in JavaScript
In this article, we'll explore the differences between shallow and deep copy in JavaScript and when to use each technique.
May 09, 2023Source

Sticky Sessions With Apache APISIX -- The Demo
When it comes to sticky sessions, if necessary, you should replicate the data to other upstreams because this one might go down. This post illustrates it with a demo.
July 7, 2023Source

Structured Logging
This post introduces Structured Logging and the rationale behind its use. Some simple examples are provided to reinforce understanding.
June 2, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — T

Test Automation Strategies for Mobile Apps With SAP S/4HANA for Plant Maintenance
Enhance mobile app quality with exploratory testing for SAP S/4HANA. Thoroughly explore features, UI, and integration for improved performance and user experience.
June 9, 2023Source

Testing Vue.js Components with Vue Test Utils
Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying that a software product or application runs successfully and performs its required tasks without any errors. Testing might seem like a waste of time to some developers, but it is important to test your application or components if you want to build a well-functioning application.
June 2, 2023Source

That's How You Can Use MapStruct With Lombok in Your Spring Boot Application
In this article, you will find code examples and explanations on how to work with MapStruct, Lombok, and Spring Boot in an efficient way.
July 3, 2023Source

The Evolution of EMR Software Development
Explore EMR software development and programming technologies used in chiropractic EMR, enhancing patient care, coordination, and data management.
June 30, 2023Source

The Free Monad — A Versatile Tool for Creating Test Doubles
As we know from the vast literature on software testing, many practical approaches exist for substituting as yet not fully functional software components with so-called test doubles — including stubs, fakes, and mocks.
June 20, 2023Source

The Mindset Of a Developer: Advice to Elevate Oneself Every Day
Discover how to embrace an optimized mindset to excel in the world of technology, follow practical advice drawn from my personal experience, and learn to thrive while pushing your boundaries every day.
May 2, 2023Source

Thoughts About the Shapes of Software
How we can focus on describing the problem we're trying to solve and not on describing how the computer should solve it
May 2, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — U

Upload a File Using JavaScript
Every webpage, nowadays, is updated without reloading the page to provide users with a smooth experience. Updating a page without reloading it is only possible with the use of JavaScript, as web browsers exclusively run JavaScript as a programming language.
June 6, 2023Source

Using Apache Pulsar and Spring Boot for Real-Time Stream Processing
In this article, the reader will learn how to build real-time stream processing applications using Apache Pulsar and Spring Boot.
May 11, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — V

Validate Phone Numbers in JavaScript with Regular Expressions
Whether you realize it or not, data has become a crucial part of our day-to-day lives. From ordering food online to searching for cat food, we are constantly sending and receiving data. As developers of web applications, it is our responsibility to ensure that user inputs are in the specified format so that the database understands the data correctly, and the application remains robust.
June 8, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources — W

Warning: JavaScript registry npm vulnerable to 'manifest confusion' abuse
Failure to match metadata with packaged files is perfect for supply chain attacks
June 27, 2023Source

Ways To Stop and Resume Your Kafka Producer/Consumer at Run-Time
In this blog, the reader will learn how to stop and resume a Kafka client or producer at runtime using two distinct methods.
May 09, 2023Source

Why Writing a Robust React Library Is Hard
The challenges of writing a React library that works well in different environments and scenarios
June 27, 2023Source

Write a Smart Contract with ChatGPT MetaMask Infura, and Truffle
Let's put ChatGPT to a web3 test. Can we make a contract that's mainnet ready?
May 09, 2023Source

Writing a Stream API in Go
When I first started using Go, I did not study the language to the extent I should have. It was only relatively recently that I delved deeper into what makes Go a fantastic language for building a large variety of software. With that said, in these blissfully ignorant early days of my Go journey, I often missed a proper stream API.
June 20, 2023Source

Java, Javascripts and Java Applet Programming — Resources

12 Rules for Professional JavaScript in 2015
JavaScript is hard. It moves so fast that it's often unclear whether you're "doing it wrong" at any given moment. some days it feels like the bad parts outweigh the good parts.
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Algebrite is a Javascript library for symbolic mathematics (actually, mostly coffeescript resulting in Javascript) keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible.
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A useful JavaScript pattern — the Module Pattern
A good API design forms an integral part of coding best practices. and what is a good API? a good API would only expose methods that would be needed by the client using the API. the public space would not be cluttered by unnecessary methods. and there are not many times where I have seen JavaScript developers really caring about a good API design.
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Academic Program for Java
IBM resource for Java educators and students.
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A free, once-weekly email roundup of Java Web curated news
The goal of the Java Web Weekly is to save you time. No longer do you have scour through dozens of blogs and podcasts to keep up to date in the growing Java community.
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A handy hack for getting around Java type erasure
Once a Java class is compiled, any generic information is lost. Meaning that an ArrayList of Cars at runtime becomes an ArrayList and the fact that it stores Cars is lost.
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A Javascript stacktrace in any browser
Chances are that if you've done any significant Javascript work, you've run into a situation where part of the debugging process could be much improved if you just had the function call stack.
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Anagram Generator
Java applet which will anagram user-entered phrases.
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AngularJS: a Retrospective
Taking a look back after working with AngularJS for a year.
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Apache Shiro, is it ready for Java EE 6? (a JSF2-Shiro Tutorial)
After having used Java EE container managed authentication and even having homegrown JSF based authentication for a good amount of years and getting a bit tired of it, I wanted to review how well the current 3rd party Java EE authentication frameworks integrate in Java EE 6 with JSF 2, CDI and EJB 3.
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Apogee Software
is a provider of advanced software solutions for developers seeking the best in JavaTM and C/C++ programming environments and tools.
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Asm.js: the JavaScript Compile Target
Like many developers I've been excited by the promise of Asm.js. Reading the recent news that Asm.js is now in Firefox nightly is what got my interest going. There's also been a massive surge in interest after Mozilla and Epic announced that they had ported Unreal Engine 3 to Asm.js — and that it ran really well.
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Async Functions in JavaScript with Etienne Baudoux
In this video Etienne describes the implementation of the Async Function specification for the Microsoft Edge browser. It is a fascinating look at how the Edge browser combines both parsing and native C++ calls to implement this incredibly important pattern.
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Basic JavaScript: Prototypical Inheritance versus Functional Inheritance
Inheritance in JavaScript has been the topic of many discussions in the past and will continue to be the source of future debates and arguments. While we do value composition over inheritance, we don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater either. So, from time to time, we run into these cases where we want some notion of inheritance in JavaScript. now what?
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Beautiful Seamless JavaScript Testing in 10 Minutes
As a developer, it's not often that you run across software that instantly changes the way you work, but last night I found a new and as of yet relatively unknown package that for me did just that.
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Beginners Javascript Tutorials
covers the basic concepts for those new to the world of programming. offers free graphics as well.
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Bridgewater Consultants, Inc
Our professional services expertise includes Data Modeling, Sun Certified JAVA 2 Programmers, and Rapid Application Development.
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provides free top-quality Java multi-media, animation, and utility applets with free download kits.
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Cory's Javascript Page
Offers a number of basic scripts.
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Creating a Text Adventure Game in Java
This site features tutorials describing how to write a text adventure game in an object-orientated language like Java.
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CSS Animations and JavaScript
The two specifications are confusingly named — and it's hard to tell what the difference is between them at first glance. However, to put it simply: CSS Transitions are easy to use, while CSS Animations are made for programmers.
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Cytoscape.js 2.0.0
A JavaScript graph library for analysis and visualisation (compatible with Node.js, jQuery 1.4+, and plain JavaScript)
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Dart 1.1 features up to 25% faster Javascript
Better performance, more features, and improved tools mark the 1.1 release of Dart. Just two months after the 1.0 release, this new release delivers a set of compatible updates that makes applications easier to develop and faster for end users.
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Deploy Java EE Apps effortlessly on AWS
At Boxfuse we love solutions that just work. and that's why, when it comes to Java EE, we've grown very fond of Apache TomEE. Unlike traditional heavy and complex application servers, TomEE combines the swiftness of Tomcat with the benefits of standard Java EE.
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Detecting vendors' CSS-prefixes from Javascript
Sometime you need to apply some styles from within javascript code. Here is an example: you hove some elements with a transform property dynamically set, like:
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Java Scripts and more
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Doc JavaScript
hundreds of original columns, tutorials, tools, and tips.
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Duktape is an embeddable Javascript engine, with a focus on portability and compact footprint.
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EarthWeb: Java
Java articles, resources, and downloads.
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Eclipse Is...
An amazing open source community of Tools, Projects and Collaborative Working Groups. Discover what we have to offer and join us.
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ECMAScript 6 (ES6): What's new in the Next Version of JavaScript
You've probably heard about ECMAScript 6 (or ES6) already. it's the next version of JavaScript, and it has some great new features. the features have varying degrees of complexity and are useful in both simple scripts and complex applications.
October 28, 2015Source

Elixir Technology — Java and Object Solutions
Elixir Technology is the supplier of LOREx2 for Java CASE tool and Elixir IDE for professional Java developer.
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Collection of tutorials and resources.
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Expand your utility belt with Underscore.js
The JavaScript library Underscore.js streamlines tasks and allows you to do more with fewer lines of code. Get a sense of what you can do with some of its 60+ functions.
Provides InformationSource — the java icon editor
create a favicon.ico file to customize your marketing logo in Internet Explorer's favorites/bookmarks using our free online java icon editor
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A JavaScript library built to encourage a functional programming style & strategy.
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For modern development Javascript indeed is a shit language
Javascript is so bad, on so many levels — it's not even funny. this is why I am so surprised everyone jumped on the node bandwagon with such excitement — yes, Node is faster than Ruby, but it's unfathomable to me that someone in his clear mind would want to rewrite his app in Node without being 100% focused on the evented model.
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Fred's Guide to Java Resources
This personal site tries to teach the basics of Java and JavaScript, and tells you where to learn more.
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Free Java Certification Training
This site focuses on giving you resources to help you prepare for the Sun Certified Java Exam.
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Free Software Foundation Java Pages
A collection of Java programs and projects that are licensed with the Gnu Public License (GPL).
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Dozens of free scripts that can add interactivity to one's site with cut-n-paste ease.
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JavaScripts, Java Applets, ASP and DHTML scripts for free!
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Frequently Asked Questions About JDBC(TM)
Sun's Official JDBC FAQ
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Getting Started with Java RMI
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) is an architecture to support distributed computing. in a standalone application architecture, all Java codes reside on a single machine. JVM manages the interaction between Java objects locally. RMI specifically extends the idea to support a distributed system where application code and execution are spread across multiple remote machine aka JVM.
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Guide to Java Versions and Features
Here's everything you need to know about different Java versions and features.Source

Welcome to Halva — Idiomatic Scala... in Java!
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Hardware Hacking with JavaScript
The Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled the Internet to reach beyond the browser. Made up of electronically networked devices, these "things" are able to interact with the physical world via sensors that feed data they capture back into their ecosystems.
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Create custom themes with variable-driven theme files.
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High-Performance Java Persistence — Part One
Four months, one week and two days and 114 pages; that's how much it took to write the first part of the High-Performance Java Persistence book.
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Hotscripts — JavaScript Samples and Tutorials
Containing almost 500 free JavaScript samples with many tutorials and references to books.
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How do leak detectors work — Plumbr case study
We are often asked 'How does Plumbr work internally?' — ever since we made the tool publicly available. as the number of Plumbr users is growing, the number of these questions is also rising, and we have finally reached a point where it is more efficient to write the answer down than recite it over and over again. in the following article I will describe how memory leaks can be detected in general and which approaches does Plumbr use internally to do its job.
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How Do you Access your Relational Data from Java?
The Java language and platform offers a vast range of options when it comes to working with relational data, from raw JDBC to fully blown Object/Relational mapping tools. of these, the widely used ORM tools in particular have attracted a large and growing number of high profile critics. Clojure creator Rich Hickey, for example, has repeatedly argued that ORM tools are Complex.
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How is ThreadLocal implemented?
This is a follow-up to my last week post, where I explained the motivation behind ThreadLocal usage. from the post we could recall that ThreadLocal is indeed a cool concept if you wish to have an independently initialized copy of a variable for each thread. Now, the curious ones might have already started asking "how could I implement such a concept in Java"?
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IBM AlphaWorks
Large collection of Java resources (applications, virtual machines, beans) — many with source code.
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Immutable Data Structures and JavaScript
A little while ago I briefly talked about my latest blog rewrite and promised to go more in-depth on specific things I learned. Today I'm going to talk about immutable data structures in JavaScript, specifically two libraries immutable.js and seamless-immutable.
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Introducing Responsive Web Typography with FlowType.JS
While working on an image-heavy site for Simple Focus, a couple of our designers, John Wilson and Casey Zumwalt, noticed how images always scaled perfectly. Pull the corner of the browser window and the images expand to fill the space. Push back the corner, they shrink and fall into place. the line length of hypertext, on the other hand, changes based on its parent element's width, which has a negative effect on readability.
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Java Grande
workshops and forum to set standards and establish community consensus for evolution of Java Grande to extend the usability of the environment.
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Jaas: JavaScript as a Service
Keeping up with the JavaScript ecosystem is hard — there are countless frameworks and new ones are released daily. It is not sustainable to always learn about the latest and greatest and be productive.
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Introduction in Java TDD — part 1
Welcome to an introduction in Test Driven Development (TDD) series. we will talk about Java and JUnit in context of TDD, but these are just tools. the main aim of the article is to give you comprehensive understanding of TDD regardless of programming language and testing framework.
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Introduction to JavaScript Unit Testing
You probably know that testing is good, but the first hurdle to overcome when trying to write unit tests for client-side code is the lack of any actual units; JavaScript code is written for each page of a website or each module of an application and is closely intermixed with back-end logic and related HTML.
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Is Java More Secure than C?
Whether Java is more secure than C is a simple question to ask, but a hard question to answer well. When we began writing the SEI CERT Oracle Coding Standard for Java, we thought that Java would require fewer secure coding rules than the SEI CERT C Coding Standard because Java was designed with security in mind.
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Ivan Peters Dot Com
JavaScript overview, adding "Find in Page" feature to web site. Also skydiving stuff.
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Jaspy is a Python VM written entirely from scratch in JavaScript with some unique features. Jaspy supports multiple threads, comes with an integrated debugger which offers remote debugging and provides a flexible preprocessor based architecture. Speed is explicitly not a main goal of this project. Jaspy aims to illustrate how web programming on the client side could be done by exploring new ways.
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Java Bluetooth
The complete source for developing Bluetooth applications with Java , and the companion website for the book, "Bluetooth for Java".
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Java EE 7 and JAX-RS 2.0
Most Java EE 6 applications, with the requirement for a remote API and free choice, are using a more or less RESTful flavor of the JAX-RS 1.0 specification. Java EE 7 with JAX-RS 2.0 brings several useful features, which further simplify development and lead to the creation of even more-sophisticated, but lean, Java SE/EE RESTful applications.
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Java Method Overriding is FUBAR Part 8 of 8
Due to my laziness and lameness my previous post wasn't as convincing as it should have been, so I'm going to try again.
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Java on the Brain
A listing of some Java applets, with source.
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Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 9
This document is the API specification for the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition.
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Java Programmer Certification FAQ
Information for anyone considering taking the Sun Certified Java Programmer/Developer Exams.
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Java Script Made Easy
JavaScripts for web pages. Simple cut and paste.
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Java Tip of the Week #1 — Lombok
During 2015, I was not able to post as often as I would like. I guess the every blogger might have the same problem. I can't make any promises, but I hope I can provide with great quality articles for 2016.
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Java Tutorials
Contains useful resources, examples and articles for java programmers and beginners.
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Useful scripts in several categories.
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Java: Factory Design-Method Pattern | Object Oriented Design | Design Patterns
Factory Design Pattern is one of the Creational Design pattern and it's widely used in JDK as well as frameworks like Spring MVC and Struts. the factory method pattern is an object-oriented creational design pattern to implement the concept of factories and deals with the problem of creating objects (products) without specifying the exact class of object that will be created.
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Java/C/C++/Fortran Makefile
A simple replacement for Ant.
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JavaBeans FAQ:
General Help
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Free javadoc hosting for any open source Central Maven Repository project.
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Concept in Code
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showcases work that incorporates Java.
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Prepare for Java Certification with the Rule Roundup game. Talk about more advanced topics at the Big Moose Saloon.
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JavaScript 1and fast data structures: some initial experiments
Two of my favorite data structures are the bitset and the heap. the latter is typically used to implement a priority queue.
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Javascript Automatic Error Reporting
Websites often have to work across many different browsers and devices, but we can't always test our code on all platforms. CSS quirks can cause some visual oddities, but differences in browser Javascript APIs can break a site's interactivity. you can try to write close to your knowledge of the standards and hope your users report their issues. Then six months later someone finally lets you know that Feature X is completely broken anyway in IE/Android 2.x/their Nintendo DS's browser, and they thought you knew about it already.
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Javascript Code Coverage with PhantomJS, Jasmine, and JSCover
I'm a big believer in the benefits that Continuous Delivery provides to help teams ship software. An important component of this is the delivery pipeline, which aims to automate the entire process from checking in code, running a build, testing, to ultimately deploy the code into a customer facing environment.
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JavaScript Corral
Large Collection of free scripts to use on your web pages.
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Javascript event dispatcher
Too much time has passed since my last post, so today I'll write about a simple javascript component, an event dispatcher which allows two entities to communicate each other. — see more at:
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Javascript Functors Explained
In essence, a functor is nothing more than a data structure you can map functions over with the purpose of lifting values from a container, modifying them, and then putting them back into a container. Simply put, it is a design pattern that defines semantics for how fmap should work. Here's the general definition of fmap:
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JavaScript Kit
offers tutorials and free scripts. Also features a large developers' forum.
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JavaScript R&E Site
reference, syntax, and examples you can use.
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Javascript runtime built for UnrealEngine 4
Unreal.js is a plug-in which brings V8-powered Javascript into UnrealEngine4.
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JavaScript Search
a searchable directory of scripts, tutorials, FAQ's, and much more.
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JavaScript Source, The
The JavaScript Source is a handy JavaScript resource with an abundance of free "Cut & Paste" JavaScript examples (source codes are included).
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JavaScript through the Lenses of Functional Programming
One of the main challenges of large-scale application development, especially with JavaScript, is keeping track of the state of the system at any point in time. we create lots of objects and pass them around to functions that are free to mutate them as they please and, most often, this makes it incredibly difficult to find and hunt down bugs.
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Javascript Tip of the Day
tips and tricks.
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JavaScript Tip of the Week, The
The JavaScript Tip of the Week archive is a collection of 30 coding tips with complete source code, working examples and commentary.
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In Javascript, promises are objects which represent the pending result of an asynchronous operation. you can use these to schedule further activity after the asynchronous operation has completed by supplying a callback.
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JavaScript forums and hundreds of scripts and how-to guides.
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The Java™ Solution for Real-Time and Embedded Systems.
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Create a bloom filter by passing how many items you expect to be in the filter and a expected tolerance of false positives to occur.
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Java resource offering FAQs on everything from the language to tools and APIs. with community forums, self-paced training, and the news from the field.
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JGuru Self-Paced Java Courses
Directory of free, online, self-paced courses on JavaMail, Collections, JSP, JDBC, EJB, and more.
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Jini FAQ
Answers to Jini-related questions from Bill Venners.
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JOOBY a scalable, fast and modular micro web framework for Java.
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Journey Through the JavaScript MVC Jungle
When writing a Web application from scratch, it's easy to feel like we can get by simply by relying on a DOM manipulation library (like jQuery) and a handful of utility plugins. the problem with this is that it doesn't take long to get lost in a nested pile of jQuery callbacks and DOM elements without any real structure in place for our applications.
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implementation of the Python programming language designed to run on SUN's Java Platform.
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js2js is a revolutionary open-source compiler from JavaScript to JavaScript
JavaScript is the new Assembly. There are dozens of tools that compile some programming language to JavaScript. you can do it with C++, Java, C#, Python, Scala or Ruby. But there's one language that remains to be covered for JavaScript to dominate the world: JavaScript.
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JSCity is an implementation of the Code City metaphor for visualizing source code. we adapted and implemented this metaphor for JavaScript, using the three.js 3D library.
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jsDelivr API — from a Casual Experiment to Success
I've been working with Dmitriy of jsDelivr for roughly a year now. jsDelivr is one of the leading JavaScript CDNs out there. It utilizes multiple CDN providers and VPSs and then performs load balancing so that the assets get served in a swift manner. Recent post at Mozilla Hacks covers the technology in good detail.
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An audio synthesis API. Provides oscillators, filters, samplers, delay lines, etc to let you create dynamic real-time sound.
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JUnit Rule + Java 8 Repeatable Annotations == Clean Tests
Last couple of months I am spending most of my free time writing Docker Java REST API client using RxJava and OkHttp. I have been following TDD for developing this API. some of the test cases in RxDockerClientTest have to first create a docker container and then they perform other operations.
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The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) is a solution aimed directly at professional and amateur Java programmers alike to enable commercial quality games to be written in Java. LWJGL provides developers access to high performance crossplatform libraries such as OpenGL (Open Graphics Library), OpenCL (Open Computing Language) and OpenAL (Open Audio Library) allowing for state of the art 3D games and 3D sound.
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Kairos is a greek word that means "the right moment". Also, in the greek mithology Kairs the son of the personification of time itself, Chronos.
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Kids Making the Future of Java
I had the opportunity to participate in the Make the Future of Java Workshop last week, which was a lot of fun. Kids ages 13 and up got a chance to learn how to program using Alice and Greenfoot technologies.
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Know your Node.js (and VS Code)
Continuing with our VS Code Theme, today I've got three items for you (well, one, okay, kind of three, or whatever... )
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A lightweight framework for developing microservices using standard Java EE technologies and migrating existing Java EE applications to microservices.
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Layout Management
An overview of layout managers in Sun JFC/Swing.
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Making Sense of Java
A beginner's FAQ aimed at people who know almost nothing about Java.
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Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation in 10 Minutes
What is a random variable?
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Meteor JS
Meteor is an open-source platform for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time, whether you're an expert or beginner.
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Microsoft: Comparing MTS to EJB
Article provides a comparison between Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and EJB in terms of transactions support, portability, interoperability and other topics.
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MK's Java Page
MK's Java Page offers original Java applets for downloading, along with descriptions of the creation process and the challenges faced in the programming.
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More Canvas Context Shapes
The javascript canvas context has existing methods to draw any shape you want using ctx.moveTo and ctx.lineTo methods, as well as predefined common shapes ctx.rect and ctx.arc. Rather than piece together other basic shape from these, here I add a few more methods to draw the rest of the common primitives, polygons, stars, rounded rectangles, and shape (from an array of points).
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Mozilla is Unlocking the Power of the Web as a Platform for Gaming
Mozilla, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting openness, innovation and opportunity on the Web, is advancing the Web as the platform for high-end game development. with Mozilla's latest innovations in JavaScript, game developers and publishers can now take advantage of fast performance that rivals native while leveraging scale of the Web, without the additional costs associated with third-party plugins. this allows them to distribute visually stunning and performance intensive games to billions of people more easily and cost effectively than before.
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Mozilla launches new JavaScript-based Add-ons Validator for developers
Like apps hitting a store, browser add-ons have to go through validation to ensure that they work properly and are secure. this is the case with Firefox, and developers will be only too aware that the validation tool provided by Mozilla is unreliable and difficult to use.
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Mr.Haki's (JBuilder) JavaBean TutorialMr.Haki's (JBuilder) JavaBean Tutorial
This tutorial shows how to build JavaBeans using JBuilder 2 Java BeansExpress.
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MySQL in Docker with Java Hibernate
Recently, I started working on a new server project at work, and wanted to be able to run a local dev environment with Docker. this has become my normal flow for a couple of server projects because of how easy Docker is to work with, and especially for the fact that I don't need to set up any of the supporting structure on my machine to run the server.
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Need Scripts
One stop Web Development Resource providing reviews and articles.
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OCamlScript is a JavaScript backend for the OCaml compiler. Users of OCamlScript can write type-safe, high performance OCaml code, and deploy the generated JavaScript in any platform with a JavaScript execution engine.
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Oliver Caldwell's blog
On programming, Vim and Linux. May contain JavaScript.
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Java applet that can be used to teach balanced binary search tree algorithms. Unique in that it combines elements of programming, proof, and animation to enhance learning.
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Outlaw Cafe
dedicated to Java development on the Macintosh.
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Recently I was working on a pagination for a web app. this simple problem can be a good case to compare JavaScript and Elm.
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A tool for making JavaScript code run faster.
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Presenting Java:
Information Sources.
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Pretty Map Literals for Java 8
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Pyjnius: Accessing Java classes from Python
We're pleased to announce the Pyjnius project. it's a Python library to access Java classes from Python, on the desktop or on Android.
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Querying on Java Object's without Database
What I'm trying to do is querying on Object. Here is the details. I have a file called employee.txt. So I parsed it and kept in the list
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Reactive Programming in JavaScript
Writing large JavaScript projects is hard. the language lacks both a type system and a canonical module system, it has a rather clunky syntax and has a threading model that is, to say the least, interesting. No wonder so many third party JavaScript frameworks exist. Luckily JavaScript is a flexible language, which makes extending it easy.
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Realm Java 0.84 — with Async Queries & Transactions!
We just released a new version of Realm Java to this website and to Maven. this release includes support for asynchronous queries and asynchronous write transactions!
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Remove your pop up banners
A simpel guide on how to use Javascript to remove your pop up banners for good
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RxJava — Achieving Parallelization
RxJava is often misunderstood when it comes to the asynchronous/multithreaded aspects of it. the coding of multithreaded operations is simple, but understanding the abstraction is another thing.
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Scope and Closures in JavaScript.
So, one problem with JavaScript is that it looks like a C-style language. C-Style or ALGOL 60 inspired languages such as java have what is called block scope.
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A Comprehensive directory of links to resources no Webmaster should be without. Everything ranging from scripts written in Perl, PHP, ASP, Java, JavaScript, Flash and many more.
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Send a Link
JavaScript tools that enable your web page visitors to bookmark your site, send an email about it to a friend, or make it their homepage, or with a single mouse click.
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SLip — a Lisp system in JavaScript
This is a Lisp system in JavaScript, the goal being to be able to run Lisp in a browser.
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Software Developers
Java tutorials — basic tutorial, servlets, and JDBC. Example code, tips and resources.
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Source for Java, The
Learn about Java from the horse's mouth. Find the latest Java news.
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A Javascript string manipulation library without npm dependences.
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Sun's Java Applet Security FAQ
Learn about security features in Java applets.
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task.js ( generators + promises = tasks )
task.js is an experimental library for ES6 that makes sequential, blocking I/O simple and beautiful, using the power of JavaScript's new yield operator.
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technical solution for you
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The Checker Framework
Are you tired of null pointer exceptions, unintended side effects, SQL injections, concurrency errors, mistaken equality tests, and other run-time errors that appear during testing or in the field?
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The Definitive JavaScript Resource
Your gateway to all things JavaScript.
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The Evolution of the BEM Methodology
This article is a case study about the evolution of BEM, a methodology that enables team members to collaborate and communicate ideas using a unified language that consists of simple yet powerful terms: blocks, elements, modifiers. Learn about the challenges that a big company faces when gradually building an entire ecosystem of services with an ever-growing team of developers.
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The Java Apache Project
Provides Java servlet modules for the popular Apache webserver, plus lots of other web- and development-related tools.
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The JavaScript Source
An excellent 'cut & paste' JavaScript library with tons of free JavaScript source code for your web pages.
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Thinking functionally in JavaScript — a fun interlude
I've been talking about functional JavaScript for a few posts, but, to be honest, it's nice to put the theory aside and just practice thinking and writing functionally. with that in mind, let see what we can do about fixing some "copy-n-paste" code.
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Tomcat in Eclipse, set Java Version
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Java shopping cart system for setting up an online store, composed of applets and scripts. Interactive CD-ROM capabilities, merchant account interfaces, affiliate tracking and more.
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Using Java Build Script Tasks in Visual Studio Code
The shortcoming with Tasks was that you could only define one, which is (in my humble opinion) by design to help developers by forcing them to create a build script rather than setting up tasks, as a build script is not coupled to the IDE and can be used elsewhere.
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Video: Coding WebInspect in real-time to Inject Fortify Plugin Views
Here is a detailed video that shows the multiple steps required to inject windows originally hosted in Eclipse (Java process) into WebInspect (.NET process).
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JavaScript and Dynamic HTML how-to, references, scriptorium, demos.
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What is UStream?
UStream (Unix Stream) is an extension of the Java 8 Stream API to process data pipelines the Unix way. It provides a set of components that mimic Unix commands (and more).
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Why ExtendJS?
JavaScript is a great language for websites and small projects but it's dynamic nature, can be unsuited, for large projects where collaboration and code-reuse is important.
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Why I prefer JavaScript to C++ and ActionScript when developing 3D code
I'm currently working on the next update for CopperCube. a lot of people are making games and interactive applications with it, so there are now quite a few useful feature requests for making even more stuff possible, and I'm implementing everything which I find makes sense.
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Why we Need Lambda Expressions in Java — Part 1
Lambda expressions are coming to Java 8, but apparently they are still encountering some resistance and not all Java developers are convinced of their usefulness. in particular they say that it could be a mistake to try to add some functional features to Java, because they fear that this could compromise its strong object oriented and imperative nature
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WikiWikiWeb EJB Roadmap
EJB section of the well-known WikiWikiWeb pattern repository.
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Woodger's JavaScript Reference
JavaScript Overview as well as coding tips.
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Write your Next Web App with Ember CLI
When you start a fresh web project or start digging into an existing code base, chances are you're trying to create or enhance a feature for your users. the last thing you want to do is spend time customizing build tools and creating infrastructure to develop your application. If you land a new client, you want to show them features today, not in a week after you've cobbled together a build pipeline.
January 7, 2016Source

Writing a Better JavaScript Library for the DOM
Lately, I have started to see more and more problems with jQuery, at least my use of it. Most of the problems are with jQuery's core and can't be fixed without breaking backwards compatibility — which is very important. I, like many others, continued using the library for a while, navigating all of the pesky quirks every day.
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Writing Fast, Memory-Efficient JavaScript
JavaScript engines such as Google's V8 (Chrome, Node) are specifically designed for the fast execution of large JavaScript applications. as you develop, if you care about memory usage and performance, you should be aware of some of what's going on in your user's browser's JavaScript engine behind the scenes.
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